
I have asked this similar question before.
why the result (lattice constant...etc.) of Siesta and Vasp can't compare?
because I have use this two software to calculate the example provided by
and also create the input file for Vasp.
Though I have tried my best to set the same flag.
but the results are just very different.

why the result (lattice constant...etc.) of Siesta and Vasp can't compare?
Thank you!
the file attached is my input for vasp and siesta
Best Regards

邱芳瑜  Chiu Fang Yu
國立成功大學 材料科學與工程學系碩一
MOBILE:0930287221(中華) <>

Attachment: Fe.fdf
Description: application/vnd.fdf

Attachment: INCAR
Description: Binary data

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