Dear Manjeet
During configuration  give the path of lapack and blas then make transiesta or 
alternatively  you can try transiesta  in siesta-trunk-462. I have compiled 
transiesta without giving the path of separate lapack and blas 
insiesta-trunk-462 . 

All the best.

Dr Mohan L Verma 
Prof & Head
Department of Applied Physics
FET,SSGI Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus-Junwani, Bhilai (Chhattisgrah) 

On Tuesday, 2 September 2014 11:38 AM, Nick Papior Andersen 
<> wrote:

It cannot find your lapack library. Ensure you have -L<path to liblapack.a> in 
the LIBS environment variable.

2014-09-02 5:57 GMT+00:00 Manjeet Bhatia <>:

Dear Siesta Users,
>When I try to install TranSiesta in siesta-3.2 package I came across the 
>following error:
>nts.o m_ts_iodm.o m_ts_io.o m_ts_scattering.o m_ts_contour.o m_ts_electrode.o 
>m_ts_in_siesta.o libfdf.a \
>                 \
>               dc_lapack.a liblapack.a libblas.a  `FoX/FoX-config --libs 
> --wcml`   dc_lapack.a liblapack.a libblas.a 
>m_ts_aux_rout.o: In function `__m_ts_aux_rout_MOD_csolveg':
>/home/manjeet/siesta-3.2/Src/m_ts_aux_rout.F:347: undefined reference to 
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>make: *** [transiesta] Error 1
>Could you please tell me the possible cause of the error? Although I installed 
>siesta successfully. 


Kind regards Nick

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