Hi all,

I am running some calculations for a 3D structure made of carbon, using
Siesta 3.2-pl-5. The executable was compiled with

gfortran using mpif90 -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
-fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64

however, I am running the code serially, since the structures I'm working
with have 4 or 8 atoms.

My structure has a monoclinic unit cell of 4 atoms, and when I run an SCF
for the atomic positions, I get appreciable forces along the basal (xy)
plane of the cell, which seemed a bot strange to me. When I transformed the
4-atom monoclinic cell into an 8-atom orthorhombic one, with exactly the
same structure, the forces along the basal plane were around 10^-5 eV/Ang,
which was what I expected.

Has anyone experienced that kind of problem? I'd like to stress that the
problem is *not* the atomic positions: upon replicating the 4-atom
supercell properly, I get exactly the same geometry of the 8-atom
orthorhombic cell. Would anyone have a hint as to why this happens?

Best regards,


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