Thanks, Camps. I will download trunk-458 and try it out. Would you mind
sharing your inputs for the pseudopotential generation, just for checks?


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 4:17 PM, I. Camps <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I generated the vdW pseudos with trunk-458 with the DRSLL and LMKLL
> functionals without the ghost problem for H, C, O and N. I used the INP
> files from SIESTA pseudopotentials webpage.
> []'s,
> @mps
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 4:06 PM, Marcos Veríssimo Alves <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to generate pseudos for H with the vdW functionals and use
>> them in vdW calculations using trunk-462 for the H2 molecule. However, I am
>> running into ghost states when I try running the calculation for the H2
>> molecule with the DRSLL, LMKLL, C09 and BH functionals.
>> I tried using my own generated C09 pseudo, and also a standard PBE pseudo
>> (downloaded from the siesta pseudo database), with all the vdW functionals,
>> and I find that for both pseudos, DRSLL, LMKLL, C09 and BH functionals.
>> This leads me to believe that it is not really a problem of the pseudo,
>> even because I tried changing the rc for the channel with the ghost state
>> for H (2p).
>> Now my collaborators have called my attention to an undocumented flag
>> that allows one to ignore ghost states and proceed normally with the
>> calculations. As far as I know, this is a quite dangerous thing to do. Is
>> there any rule of thumb for deeming a certain system safe, or is it just
>> the results of the calculations of the properties of the system of interest
>> being correct that would allow me to conclude this?
>> Cheers,
>> Marcos

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