By looking at the error message ' forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file /home3/e495/e495/tl439/siesta-4.0b-485/Util/Vibra/Src/big/H2O.FC', It seems that there is some problem with .FC file. I think H2O.FC is correct because of right number of row. I should tell that I calculate the .FC in four parts and then 'cat 1.FC 2.FC 3.FC 4.FC > H2O.FC' after deleting the first row of 2.FC 3.FC 4.FC
Could anyone suggest what's wrong with this calculation. Thanks.


On 2016-07-28 11:49, T. Liu wrote:
Dear All,

I am using Vibra to calculate the Phonon frequency for ice (supercell
includes 648 atoms). But meet a short error 'Killed'

Here is how I did it, Please suggest me what to do.

Starting from ice unit cell (24 atoms), use fcbuild build a supercell
including 24*3*3*3 = 648 atoms (supercell_1=1 supercell_2=1,
supercell_3=1), calculate the Force constants by only displacing the
atom in the unit cell, get a .FC file with =648*6*24 +1 = 93313 rows.
modify maxa = 648, maxx/y/z=3, recompile vibra, run it and get a very
short error message 'killed'

if I change maxx/y/z=1, then the following error shows up.
recoor:  637    13.74701  17.64102  17.82023  1
recoor:  638    11.61543  19.85108  17.82135  1
recoor:  639    22.20267  16.98088  20.72229  1
recoor:  640    14.43389  20.51019  20.71991  1
recoor:  641    12.68131  12.97636  13.19783  2
recoor:  642    18.31772  18.74695  13.14676  2
recoor:  643    18.31898  12.97755  18.91589  2
recoor:  644    12.68097  18.74550  18.96677  2
recoor:  645    15.49943  15.88767  16.05524  2
recoor:  646    21.13456  21.60495  16.05808  2
recoor:  647    21.13570  15.83576  21.82704  2
recoor:  648    15.49918  21.65692  21.82454  2
lxmax    =     0
lymax    =     0
lzmax    =     0
Number of unit cells in Supercell  =     1
Eigenvectors =   False
Computing Eigenvalues only
forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 11, file
Image PC Routine Line Source vibra 0000000000436214 Unknown Unknown Unknown vibra 000000000045BD40 Unknown Unknown Unknown vibra 0000000000404EE7 Unknown Unknown Unknown vibra 0000000000402FDE Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002AAAAB182C36 Unknown Unknown Unknown vibra 0000000000402EE9 Unknown Unknown Unknown

Is there any restrictions on max number of atoms for Vibra? what should I do?

I also tested a small cell (unit cell only, 24 atoms) and it works if
maxa = 648, maxx/y/z=1. If I just change to maxx/y/z=3, it gives me
'Killed'. If I use maxa=24, and it works for both maxx/y/z=3 and
maxx/y/z=1. It seems that there is some restriction on maxasc? Hope I
have described enough clear.


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