Yes, you can use non colinear spin configuration. Please see the manual for
Please note that the SpinPolarized flag refers to colinear spin


Kind regards Nick Papior

On 26 Sep 2016 17:52, "Raha khalili" <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I want to do a Noncollinear SpinPolarized calculation for my structure
> using Siesta but I am wondering whether it is possible to do such
> calclulations using siesta or not. If yes, could you give me please an
> example or reference paper?
> I have also one queation about the block of  DM.InitSpin. As I undrestood
> I can tune spin direction using two angles of phi and teta. But when I set
> SpinPolarized equel T and change angles, for instance for bulk Fe, the
> total energy and density of states are similar.
> Any help will be really appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Raha
> --
> Khadijeh Khalili
> Nanotechnology group, Physics department, university of Mazandaran
> Babolsar, Iran

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