Add ", save" to the list of attributes of the variable "spin" in the source.
This is fixed in a later revision and will be available in the 4.1-b2

2016-10-25 16:07 GMT+02:00 T. Liu <>:

> Dear Nick,
> Thanks.
> I tried, but it gave me same error message.
> I think I need to try 4.1-b1, So I used the same arch file to compile
> 4.1-b1, but met the following error message. Could you please suggest any
> solution? I searched, but didn't find any useful information.
> mpifc -c -g -O3     `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags`   /home/tl439/siesta-4.1-b1/
> Src/densematrix.f
> mpifc -c -g -O3     `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags`   /home/tl439/siesta-4.1-b1/
> Src/files.f
> mpifc -c -g -O3     `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags`   /home/tl439/siesta-4.1-b1/
> Src/get_kpoints_scale.f90
> mpifc -c -g -O3     `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags`   /home/tl439/siesta-4.1-b1/
> Src/m_gamma.F90
> mpifc -c -g -O3     `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags`   /home/tl439/siesta-4.1-b1/
> Src/m_spin.F90
> /home/tl439/siesta-4.1-b1/Src/m_spin.F90:60.29:
>   type(tSpin), public :: spin
>                              1
> Error: Object 'spin' at (1) must have the SAVE attribute for default
> initialization of a component
> make: *** [m_spin.o] Error 1
> Regards,
> Tao
> On 2016-10-18 15:02, Nick Papior wrote:
>> With intel compilers you should probably not compile with so high
>> optimizations. First try and lower the optimization (-O2 for
>> instance).
>> 2016-10-18 15:28 GMT+02:00 T. Liu <>:
>> Dear Nick,
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> I compiled it again without "~", It works!
>>> Instead, I met an old error message which I have already posted
>>> before, but haven't got an answer. There is no DM file in the
>>> folder.
>>> the bottom of output file
>>> Setting up quadratic distribution...
>>> ExtMesh (bp) on 0 = 147 x 144 x 134 = 2836512
>>> PhiOnMesh: Number of (b)points on node 0 = 3800
>>> PhiOnMesh: nlist on node 0 = 985489
>>> stepf: Fermi-Dirac step function
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 8
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 15
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 1
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 2
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 3
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 4
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 5
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 6
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 7
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 9
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 10
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 11
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 12
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 13
>>> Bad DM normalization: Qtot, Tr[D*S] = 64.00000000
>>> 9.15895573
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 14
>>> Stopping Program from Node: 0
>>> INPUT file is
>>> SystemName H2O
>>> SystemLabel H2O
>>> NumberOfSpecies 2
>>> NumberOfAtoms 24
>>> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>>> 1 1 H
>>> 2 8 O
>>> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>>> LatticeConstant 6.3612 Ang
>>> %block LatticeVectors
>>> 1.0 0.0 0.0
>>> 0.0 1.0 0.0
>>> 0.0 0.0 1.0
>>> %endblock LatticeVectors
>>> AtomicCoordinatesFormat Fractional
>>> %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>>> 0.29160 0.29160 0.30827 1
>>> 0.95832 0.95832 0.30827 1
>>> 0.04168 0.20840 0.05835 1
>>> 0.20840 0.04168 0.05835 1
>>> 0.54168 0.54168 0.22506 1
>>> 0.70839 0.70839 0.22506 1
>>> 0.79160 0.45831 0.97498 1
>>> 0.45830 0.79160 0.97498 1
>>> 0.45830 0.29160 0.47498 1
>>> 0.79160 0.95831 0.47498 1
>>> 0.70839 0.20839 0.72506 1
>>> 0.54170 0.04168 0.72506 1
>>> 0.20840 0.54168 0.55835 1
>>> 0.04168 0.70840 0.55835 1
>>> 0.95832 0.45832 0.80827 1
>>> 0.29160 0.79160 0.80827 1
>>> 0.12504 0.12504 0.14171 2
>>> 0.62504 0.62504 0.14171 2
>>> 0.62504 0.12504 0.64171 2
>>> 0.12504 0.62504 0.64171 2
>>> 0.37496 0.37496 0.39163 2
>>> 0.87496 0.87496 0.39163 2
>>> 0.87496 0.37496 0.89163 2
>>> 0.37496 0.87496 0.89163 2
>>> %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>>> MD.TypeOfRun CG
>>> MD.NumCGsteps 200
>>> SCFMustConverge T
>>> XC.Functional GGA
>>> XC.authors PBE
>>> %block PAO.Basis # DZPQ-8.5
>>> O 3
>>> n=2 0 2 E 50. 7.5
>>> 8.0 2.7
>>> n=2 1 2 E 10. 8.3
>>> 8.5 2.6
>>> n=3 2 1 E 40. 8.3 Q 6.8 0.22
>>> 8.5
>>> H 2
>>> n=1 0 2 E 50. 8.3
>>> 8.5 2.2
>>> n=2 1 1 E 20. 7.8 Q 6.5 0.9
>>> 8.0
>>> %endblock PAO.Basis
>>> DM.Tolerance 0.1000000000E-04
>>> MD.MaxForceTol 0.001 eV/Ang
>>> MD.MaxStressTol 0.01 GPa
>>> MD.VariableCell T
>>> kgrid_cutoff 10.00 Ang
>>> MeshCutoff 400 Ry
>>> I don't think there is any error in the input file, because it
>>> works for siesta 4.0.
>>> So I guess it must be still something wrong with the compilation?
>>> Regards,
>>> Tao
>>> On 2016-10-18 13:48, Nick Papior wrote:
>>> From the output of siesta, it is compiled in parallel, (it says
>>> It may be that you are not using the same mpirun as that shipped
>>> with
>>> mpifc?
>>> Maybe you should be using mpiifort?
>>> These are long shots... but...
>>> Secondly, it may be a problem with the scheduler and the "~" in the
>>> path. Could you try and move the executable to another folder?
>>> If either of the above does not work, I think you should consult
>>> your
>>> local HPC administrator, from the output you provide SIESTA is
>>> enabled
>>> in parallel mode.
>>> 2016-10-18 14:41 GMT+02:00 T. Liu <>:
>>> Dear Nick,
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> it is
>>> mpirun -ppn $mpi_tasks_per_node -np $np $application $options
>>> translated as
>>> mpirun -ppn 16 -np 16
>>> /home/tl439/~siesta-maint/siesta/trunk/Obj/siesta < h2o.relax.fdf >
>>> h2o.relax.out
>>> I also tried
>>> mpirun -np 16 /home/tl439/~siesta-maint/siesta/trunk/Obj/siesta <
>>> h2o.relax.fdf > h2o.relax.out
>>> it doesn't work neither.
>>> I used same execution command for siesta 4.0, it works.
>>> Regards,
>>> Tao
>>> On 2016-10-18 13:13, Nick Papior wrote:
>>> Please show us your execution command line.
>>> 2016-10-18 14:08 GMT+02:00 T. Liu <>:
>>> Dear Nick,
>>> I followed your suggestion, and there is no error for the
>>> compilation.
>>> But I only can run a serial mode on a parallel version.
>>> here is a piece of the top of output file
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> ***********************
>>> reinit: Reading from standard input
>>> reinit: Reading from standard input
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> * Running in serial mode
>>> Siesta Version: trunk-572
>>> Architecture : x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu--unknown
>>> Compiler flags: mpifc -g -O3
>>> Libraries :
>>> -L/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/intel/mkl/
>> and_libraries_2016.33.210/linux/mkl/lib/intel64
>>> [1]
>>> [1]
>>> [1] -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core
>>> -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm
>>> PARALLEL version
>>> Could you suggest what to do please?
>>> Regards,
>>> Tao
>>> On 2016-10-14 12:18, T. Liu wrote:
>>> Dera Nick,
>>> Thanks for your help. It works by adding .c and using latest
>>> Regards,
>>> Tao
>>> On 2016-10-14 11:40, Nick Papior wrote:
>>> Try add .c to the SUFFIXES list.
>>> 2016-10-14 12:32 GMT+02:00 T. Liu <>:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I can compile 4.0 with the following arch.make
>>> arch.make
>>> ----------------------------
>>> #
>>> # Copyright (C) 1996-2016 The SIESTA group
>>> # This file is distributed under the terms of the
>>> # GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
>>> # or [2] [2] [2] [1].
>>> # See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
>>> #
>>> .SUFFIXES: .f .F .o .a .f90 .F90
>>> SIESTA_ARCH=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu--unknown
>>> FPP=
>>> FC=mpifc
>>> RANLIB=ranlib
>>> SYS=nag
>>> SP_KIND=4
>>> DP_KIND=8
>>> FFLAGS=-g -O2
>>> FCFLAGS_fixed_f=
>>> FCFLAGS_free_f90=
>>> FPPFLAGS_fixed_F=
>>> FPPFLAGS_free_F90=
>>> BLAS_LIBS=-lblas
>>> LAPACK_LIBS=-llapack
>>> #DUMMY_FOX=--enable-dummy
>>> COMP_LIBS=dc_lapack.a
>>> LIBS=-L${MKLROOT}/lib/intel64 -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64
>>> -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm
>>> #SIESTA needs an F90 interface to MPI
>>> #This will give you SIESTA's own implementation
>>> #If your compiler vendor offers an alternative, you may change
>>> #to it here.
>>> MPI_INTERFACE=libmpi_f90.a
>>> #Dependency rules are created by autoconf according to whether
>>> #discrete preprocessing is necessary or not.
>>> .F.o:
>>> $(FPPFLAGS_fixed_F) $<
>>> .F90.o:
>>> $(FPPFLAGS_free_F90) $<
>>> .f.o:
>>> $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_fixed_f) $<
>>> .f90.o:
>>> $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_free_f90) $<
>>> --------------------------------------
>>> Then I just changed COMP_LIBS=dc_lapack.a to COMP_LIBS +=
>>> libsiestaLAPACK.a to compile the Siesta trunk 572. It seems it
>>> almost finished but an error shows up at the bottom (error message
>>> shown below,"gfortran: sockets.o: No such file or directory").
>>> Could
>>> you please suggest what happen and how to fix that? Thanks.
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> mpifc -c -g -O2 `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags` -DFC_HAVE_FLUSH
>>> /home/tl439/~siesta-maint/siesta/trunk/Src/m_monitor.F90
>>> mpifc -c -g -O2 `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags`
>>> /home/tl439/~siesta-maint/siesta/trunk/Src/nag.f
>>> mpifc -c -g -O2 `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags` -DFC_HAVE_FLUSH
>>> /home/tl439/~siesta-maint/siesta/trunk/Src/pxf.F90
>>> mpifc -c -g -O2 `FoX/FoX-config --fcflags` -DFC_HAVE_FLUSH
>>> /home/tl439/~siesta-maint/siesta/trunk/Src/siesta.F
>>> mpifc -o siesta
>>> automatic_cell.o atom_options.o arw.o atomlwf.o
>>> bands.o basis_enthalpy.o bessph.o bonds.o born_charge.o
>>> cellxc_mod.o
>>> cgwf.o chkdim.o chkgmx.o chempot.o coceri.o coxmol.o cross.o
>>> compute_norm.o denmat.o denmatlomem.o detover.o dfscf.o
>>> m_diagon_opt.o diagon.o digcel.o fft.o dhscf.o constr.o
>>> diagk_file.o
>>> diagg.o diagk.o diagkp.o diag2g.o diag2k.o diag3g.o diag3k.o
>>> diagpol.o diagsprl.o dipole.o dismin.o dnaefs.o doping_uniform.o
>>> dot.o m_efield.o egandd.o ener3.o ener3lomem.o errorf.o
>>> extrapolon.o
>>> m_fixed.o interpolation.o gradient.o gradientlomem.o grdsam.o
>>> hsparse.o idiag.o initatom.o inver.o iodm_netcdf.o iodmhs_netcdf.o
>>> iogrid_netcdf.o iolwf.o iozm.o ipack.o iopipes.o iosockets.o
>>> iowfs_netcdf.o kgrid.o kgridinit.o kinefsm.o ksv.o ksvinit.o
>>> linpack.o local_DOS.o madelung.o mesh.o meshphi.o meshdscf.o
>>> memory.o meshsubs.o metaforce.o m_supercell.o mulliken.o minvec.o
>>> naefs.o m_new_dm.o normalize_dm.o ordern.o outcell.o outcoor.o
>>> m_fft_gpfa.o paste.o pdos.o pdosg.o pdosk.o pdoskp.o phirphi.o
>>> pixmol.o plcharge.o projected_DOS.o propor.o m_partial_charges.o
>>> randomg.o reclat.o redcel.o reinit.o reord.o reordpsi.o rhoofd.o
>>> rhoofdsp.o rhooda.o savepsi.o shaper.o timer_tree.o timer.o vmb.o
>>> vmat.o vmatsp.o volcel.o cdiag.o rdiag.o cgvc.o cgvc_zmatrix.o
>>> m_convergence.o iocg.o ioeig.o iofa.o iokp.o iomd.o kpoint_pdos.o
>>> typecell.o ofc.o poison.o readsp.o radfft.o write_md_record.o
>>> kpoint_grid.o find_kgrid.o proximity_check.o state_init.o
>>> siesta_move.o setup_hamiltonian.o compute_dm.o mixer.o
>>> scfconvergence_test.o post_scf_work.o state_analysis.o write_subs.o
>>> siesta_init.o struct_init.o siesta_options.o read_options.o
>>> siesta_geom.o siesta_analysis.o siesta_end.o siesta_forces.o io.o
>>> sparse_matrices.o coor.o atm_transfer.o broadcast_basis.o eggbox.o
>>> dsyevds.o zheevds.o optical.o phirphi_opt.o reoptical.o
>>> transition_rate.o initparallel.o show_distribution.o setspatial.o
>>> setatomnodes.o uncell.o cart2frac.o obc.o precision.o sys.o
>>> m_cell.o
>>> files.o spatial.o parallel.o parallelsubs.o parsing.o chemical.o
>>> atom.o atmparams.o m_mpi_utils.o fdf_extra.o m_iorho.o atmfuncs.o
>>> listsc.o memoryinfo.o m_memory.o sorting.o atomlist.o atm_types.o
>>> old_atmfuncs.o radial.o alloc.o spher_harm.o periodic_table.o
>>> version.o timestamp.o basis_types.o xml.o pseudopotential.o
>>> basis_specs.o basis_io.o ldau.o ldau_specs.o onmod.o densematrix.o
>>> writewave.o on_subs.o fermid.o m_broyddj.o electrostatic.o
>>> mneighb.o
>>> globalise.o siesta_cmlsubs.o siesta_cml.o units.o zmatrix.o
>>> m_broyden_mixing.o forhar.o m_walltime.o m_wallclock.o m_iostruct.o
>>> nlefsm.o overfsm.o overlap.o conjgr.o conjgr_old.o m_energies.o
>>> m_steps.o m_broyddj_nocomm.o broyden_optim.o ioxv.o dynamics.o
>>> md_out.o molecularmechanics.o zm_broyden_optim.o
>>> cell_broyden_optim.o remove_intramol_pressure.o m_ntm.o m_dipol.o
>>> m_kinetic.o m_rmaxh.o m_forces.o m_stress.o m_eo.o m_spin.o
>>> m_gamma.o m_hsx.o m_fire.o setup_H0.o get_kpoints_scale.o
>>> get_target_stress.o fire_optim.o zm_fire_optim.o cell_fire_optim.o
>>> m_fire_para.o m_fire_mixing.o write_raw_efs.o pdos2g.o pdos2k.o
>>> pdos3g.o pdos3k.o spinorbit.o moments.o fsiesta_mpi.o
>>> final_H_f_stress.o debugmpi.o qsort.o save_density_matrix.o
>>> m_dscfcomm.o schecomm.o moremeshsubs.o domain_decom.o printmatrix.o
>>> mmio.o pspltm1.o lenstr.o setup_ordern_indexes.o m_iodm.o
>>> m_iodm_old.o m_filter.o m_io.o m_timer.o extrae_module.o
>>> extrae_eventllist.o moreParallelSubs.o read_xc_info.o
>>> siesta_master.o bsc_xcmod.o bsc_cellxc.o xc.o vacuum_level.o
>>> write_orb_indx.o rdiag_elpa.o elpa1.o elpa2.o elpa2_kernels.o
>>> rdiag_mrrr.o die.o m_pexsi.o m_pexsi_driver.o m_pexsi_dos.o
>>> m_pexsi_local_dos.o m_redist_spmatrix.o class_Distribution.o
>>> m_dminim.o m_zminim.o m_getopts.o f2kcli.o m_svd.o m_matio.o
>>> rusage.o memory_snapshot.o compute_ebs_shift.o memory_all.o
>>> matel_registry.o register_rfs.o new_matel.o kpoint_convert.o
>>> m_target_stress.o compute_max_diff.o m_initwf.o wavefunctions.o
>>> m_evolve.o evolk.o evolg.o changebasis.o m_iotddft.o m_matdiag.o
>>> m_matswinvers.o m_mixing.o m_mixing_scf.o m_trialorbitalclass.o
>>> siesta2wannier90.o m_planewavematrixvar.o delk.o
>>> m_planewavematrix.o
>>> m_digest_nnkp.o broadcast_projections.o compute_pw_matrix.o
>>> m_writedelk.o mmn.o m_noccbands.o amn.o m_overkkneig.o
>>> write_inp_wannier.o diagonalizeHk.o m_orderbands.o
>>> class_OrbitalDistribution.o class_Sparsity.o class_Data1D.o
>>> class_Data2D.o class_SpData1D.o class_SpData2D.o restructSpData2D.o
>>> extrapolateSpData2D.o class_Geometry.o class_Fstack_Data1D.o
>>> class_Pair_Data1D.o class_Fstack_Pair_Data1D.o
>>> class_Pair_Geometry_SpData2D.o
>>> class_Fstack_Pair_Geometry_SpData2D.o
>>> class_Pair_SpData1D.o class_Fstack_Pair_SpData1D.o class_TriMat.o
>>> m_trimat_invert.o m_uuid.o object_debug.o m_rhog.o rhofft.o
>>> m_diis.o
>>> compute_energies.o m_char.o m_os.o intrinsic_missing.o
>>> geom_helper.o
>>> m_sparse.o m_handle_sparse.o m_mesh_node.o create_Sparsity_SC.o
>>> create_Sparsity_Union.o m_gauss_quad.o m_gauss_fermi_inf.o
>>> m_gauss_fermi_30.o m_gauss_fermi_28.o m_gauss_fermi_26.o
>>> m_gauss_fermi_24.o m_gauss_fermi_22.o m_gauss_fermi_20.o
>>> m_gauss_fermi_19.o m_gauss_fermi_18.o m_gauss_fermi_17.o
>>> m_integrate.o m_interpolate.o m_mat_invert.o m_monitor.o
>>> m_iterator.o m_pivot_array.o m_pivot.o m_pivot_methods.o
>>> atom_graph.o m_geom_aux.o m_geom_objects.o m_geom_box.o
>>> m_geom_coord.o m_geom_square.o m_geom_plane.o m_charge_add.o
>>> m_hartree_add.o m_io_s.o m_region.o m_sparsity_handling.o
>>> m_ncdf_siesta.o m_ncdf_io.o m_exp_coord.o flook_siesta.o
>>> siesta_dicts.o m_cite.o m_ts_io.o nag.o pxf.o sockets.o fsockets.o
>>> siesta.o libfdf.a MatrixSwitch.a libxmlparser.a
>>> libSiestaXC.a libmpi_f90.a
>>> libsiestaLAPACK.a `FoX/FoX-config --libs --wcml`
>>> -L/usr/local/Cluster-Apps/intel/mkl/
>> 2011_sp1.10.319/mkl/lib/intel64
>>> -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential
>>> -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 -lpthread -lm
>>> gfortran: sockets.o: No such file or directory
>>> make: *** [siesta] Error 1
>>> Regards,
>>> Tao
>>> --
>>> Kind regards Nick
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1] [2] [2] [2]
>>> --
>>> Kind regards Nick
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1]
>> mkl/lib/intel64
>>> [1]
>>> [1]
>>> [2] [2] [2]
>>> --
>>> Kind regards Nick
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1]
>> mkl/lib/intel64
>>> [1]
>>> [2] [2]
>> --
>> Kind regards Nick
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1]
>> mkl/lib/intel64
>> [2]

Kind regards Nick

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