Hi all,

I am using siesta-trunk-527. I did a test run on FeO to check the
installation. But I have encountered an error. Though FeO is an
antiferromagnetic material, I gave the calculation for ferromagnetic case.
The net magnetic moment of the unit cell is expected to be 8 Bohr magneton
but I have got it as 0.5 Bohr magneton.

The local magnetic moments of Fe are coming around 0.001 Bohr magneton
(expected are 4 Bohr magneton).

Has anyone faced a similar problem? Is it a bug in the code? If not, then
what can lead to such an erroneous result? Even FeO is coming out to be
metallic till U = 14 eV. Though it should become an insulator for U to be
around 6 eV. Can anyone please help me to understand the error? I tried a
lot to solve it but I am now clueless. Any help in the direction will be
appreciated. I am curiously looking forward for suggestions. Thanks in


Anju Saroha
Research scholar
IIT Madras

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