Dear siesta users and developers
I tried to calculate magnetic properties of Fe3SnC and related other structures 
using GGA and GGA+U methodology.  A  slight change in magnetic moment is 
observed in between GGA and GGA+U. When I changed  U values from 2  to  8 eV. 
No relative change is found in total energy values and magnetic moment of 
system obtained using GGA+U. The fdf file of the system under study is attached 
herewith. This is prepared using siesta  manual and test file there in 
siesta-4.1.b2. The outpul file is also attached. 

pls help me and suggest the method of selection of U as well as correction in 
my fdf file (if any).

Thanking you in advance. 

Dr Mohan L Verma 
Prof & Head
Department of Applied Physics
FET,SSGI Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus-Junwani, Bhilai (Chhattisgrah) 

Attachment: Fe3SnC.fdf
Description: application/vnd.fdf

Attachment: Fe3SnC.out
Description: Binary data

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