Dear Nick Sir,

Thank you for your guidance. Which one should I use for all the
compilations? mpich or openmpi? I have tried using openmpi for all
compilations, blacs and siesta and the other related packages. Then the
installation gets completed error free, but which running siesta in
parallel, I get the following error message:

*Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory
reference.Backtrace for this error:Program received signal SIGSEGV:
Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.Backtrace for this
error:Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory
reference.Backtrace for this error:Program received signal SIGSEGV:
Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.Backtrace for this error:#0
0x7FB354DAA6F7#1  0x7FB354DAAD3E#2  0x7FB35409326F#0  0x7F6E0BF3B6F7#1
0x7F6E0BF3BD3E#2  0x7F6E0B22426F#3  0x7FB35510DE2A#3  0x7F6E0C29EE2A#0
0x7F94B84896F7#1  0x7F94B8489D3E#2  0x7F94B777226F#3  0x7F94B87ECE2A#0
0x7F6CDA7CF6F7#1  0x7F6CDA7CFD3E#2  0x7F6CD9AB826F#3  0x7F6CDAB32E2A#4
0x7319B3 in BI_TransUserComm#5  0x72B476 in blacs_gridmap_#6  0x72B1B8 in
blacs_gridinit_#4  0x7319B3 in BI_TransUserComm#7  0x4AE8AC in cdiag_ at
cdiag.F:247#5  0x72B476 in blacs_gridmap_#4  0x7319B3 in
BI_TransUserComm#8  0x434AD1 in diagk_ at diagk.F:177#6  0x72B1B8 in
blacs_gridinit_#5  0x72B476 in blacs_gridmap_#9  0x4230FE in diagon_ at
diagon.F:305#4  0x7319B3 in BI_TransUserComm#6  0x72B1B8 in
blacs_gridinit_#5  0x72B476 in blacs_gridmap_#10  0x4C584E in
__m_compute_dm_MOD_compute_dm at compute_dm.F:60#6  0x72B1B8 in
blacs_gridinit_#11  0x4DD8A5 in __m_siesta_forces_MOD_siesta_forces at
siesta_forces.F:80#7  0x4AE8AC in cdiag_ at cdiag.F:247#7  0x4AE8AC in
cdiag_ at cdiag.F:247#8  0x434AD1 in diagk_ at diagk.F:177#8  0x434AD1 in
diagk_ at diagk.F:177#9  0x4230FE in diagon_ at diagon.F:305#7  0x4AE8AC in
cdiag_ at cdiag.F:247#9  0x4230FE in diagon_ at diagon.F:305#10  0x4C584E
in __m_compute_dm_MOD_compute_dm at compute_dm.F:60#8  0x434AD1 in diagk_
at diagk.F:177#10  0x4C584E in __m_compute_dm_MOD_compute_dm at
compute_dm.F:60#11  0x4DD8A5 in __m_siesta_forces_MOD_siesta_forces at
siesta_forces.F:80#11  0x4DD8A5 in __m_siesta_forces_MOD_siesta_forces at
siesta_forces.F:80#9  0x4230FE in diagon_ at diagon.F:305#10  0x4C584E in
__m_compute_dm_MOD_compute_dm at compute_dm.F:60#11  0x4DD8A5 in
__m_siesta_forces_MOD_siesta_forces at
noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node loadbalancer exited on
signal 11 (Segmentation fault).*
Please help me out in this regard. What does the error mean and how can it
be solved?

Thank you.

Sunetra Das

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