Dear Saif

I am not so much expert but previously i also ask this question regarding
the nanoribbons where i have to fix the leads and relax the scattering
region so i was suggested some one else
on the  forum and used his suggestion that just write like this for all the
directions to be fixed

%block GeometryConstraints

   position   from 1 to 10 (group of fixed atoms)
 %endblock GeometryConstraints

if you have to fix another group of atoms in the given sheet or ribbon then

%block GeometryConstraints
   position  from 1 to 10 #group of fixed atoms
   position  from 50 to 100  # group of another atoms to be remained fixed

%endblock GeometryConstraints

and if you want to relax in some specific direction then your prepared
block is ok

wish you best off luck

Fazle Subhan
PhD Student
Deptt.of Physics
Pukyung National University
Nam-gu Busan, Korea
Cell # 010-3774-8303

On 16 February 2018 at 09:25, sullah <> wrote:

> Dear SIESTA users,
> I'm working with SIESTA and I want to fix some atoms in all directions and
> some at specific direction(s), e.g along xy. Let say I have two C atoms
> (graphene), and one Li. I want to fix the C atoms in all the directions
> while Li in xy only. How can I do this? I tried quite a few things but in
> vain.
> %block GeometryConstraints
>    position  from 1 to 2  1.0  1.0  1.0
>    position from 3 to 3   1.0  1.0   0.0
> %endblock GeometryConstraints
> and
> %block GeometryConstraints
>    position 1  1.0  1.0  1.0
>    position 2  1.0  1.0   1.0
>    position 3   1.0  1.0   0.0
> %endblock GeometryConstraints
> etc, but I'm not able to fix. I need your help in this regard.
> Thanks and Regards
> Saif
> UFJF, Brazil

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