The indices in the EIG file does _not_ correspond to the indices in the
wavefunctions (only for spin-up).

The indices are as follows (lets say 10 eigenvalues per spin, 20 in total):

siesta.K1.WF1.UP.* are the first spin-up wavefunction (EIG index 1)
siesta.K1.WF1.DOWN.* are the first spin-down wavefunction (EIG index 11)
siesta.K1.WF2.UP.* are the second spin-up wavefunction (EIG index 2)
siesta.K1.WF2.DOWN.* are the second spin-down wavefunction (EIG index 12)

and so on.
I hope this clarifies the indexing issue.

Currently siesta/denchar enables writing non-existing indices (as you
note), they are however meaningless. We have already applied a patch which
will be effective in the coming 4.0.2 release.

2018-05-19 0:21 GMT+02:00 Jens Hertkorn <>:

> Dear all,
> my question concerns in particular the "numbering" of the wavefunctions
> that one gets after using denchar to produce *.WFSX files after a completed
> siesta run. I have to get the correct wavefunctions that correspond to the
> highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest occupied molecular
> orbital (LUMO), that is- the wavefunctions with the index of the eigenvalue
> directly below and directly above the fermi energy, respectively. The
> problem I face is the following:  Let's say my system would have 20
> eigenvalues, and the index corresponding to HOMO and LUMO are 5,6 (spin up)
> and 15,16 (spin down). I would expect denchar to produce spin up
> wavefunctions for the lower half (1-10) of the available indices, and spin
> down wavefunctions for the upper half (11-20), since apparently that is the
> way siesta stores the eigenvalues in the *.EIG file. However, denchar
> produces spin up AND spin down wavefunctions for EACH index, i.e. if i were
> to write out all wavefunctions with indices 1-20 I would get 40
> wavefunction files, where I should only have 20- that is 10 for spin up and
> 10 for spin down.
> So now my question is: what are these other 20 wavefunctions? In
> particular, what do the *.DOWN.cube files mean that denchar produces for
> the LOWER half of the indices (which should only correspond to spin up
> eigenvalues) and what do the *.UP.cube files mean for the UPPER half of the
> indices (which should only correspond to spin up eigenvalues)
> I hypothesized that there might be "dummy" indices that denchar writes out
> and I made a test with a H2O molecule that I assigned a NetChage -1 (so
> that its eigenvalues are different, for different spins) to, to find out
> which indices may be "dummy". The H2O gave me 23 eigenvalues per spin / 46
> in total. Then I produced all wavefunctions with indices from 0 to 100,
> just to see what happens if I even exceed the number of total eigenvalues.
> Denchar still produces wavefunction files that are often only filled with
> zeros, but not always... Also, no combination of "dummy" I could think of
> made sense with the output denchar produced. I compared all 100
> wavefunctions pairwise, whether the wavefunction data is identical or not,
> but I could not identify any of the following "dummy scheme" that I could
> understand:
> lower half(spin up) = upper half(spin up) and lower half(spin down) =
> upper half(spin down)
> lower half(spin up) = upper half(spin down) and lower half(spin down) =
> upper half(spin up).
> In particular I do not understand why denchar still produces wavefunction
> files with indices that exceed the number of eigenvalues (and if so, why
> the wavefunction data is not only zero!).
> If anyone could tell me what denchar is doing/ how it is numbering
> wavefunctions and which ones are dummy/ which ones not, I would be
> extremely grateful since I cannot find any documentation about this and
> also nothing on the mail archive.
> Sorry if this text was to long, here again in short:
> Denchar produces spin polarized wavefunction output I do not expect /
> understand. Denchar can produce more wavefunction files than indices of
> wavefunctions exist in a given system and I can't identify a dummy indexing
> scheme. Denchar does not order spin up / spin down wavefunction output in
> terms of the index in a way I can understand.
> Regards,
> B.

Kind regards Nick

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