Dear Emilio,

Thank you very much for your help, it is solved. Good opportunity to thanks
also for your helpful presentation at

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 12:30 AM Emilio Artacho <> wrote:

> Dear Mohammadali
> I think you are providing basis orbitals for 4f instead of the 4d it needs
> (your pseudo was generated with 4d10 in the valence, I think)
> Emilio
> On Sep 19, 2018, at 1:46 AM, Mohammadali Eslamian <>
> wrote:
> Dear Siesta Experts,
> For semi-core calculation of a SnO2 slab, Pseudo-potential with
> relativistic calculation include 4d orbital along with 5s, 5p and 4f was
> made. After successful pass of the Atom program test procedure rc for
> different orbitals were 5s=2.00 5p=2.50 4d=0.86 4f=1.00
> But with this Pseudo-potential the bulk unit cell calculation results in
> wrong geometries or crashes.
> Basis Set: because with semicore block PAO.Basis is mandatory, I use the
> default value of a DZP calculation and add 4d orbital to it but the
> calculation results are wrong. I tried some values of rc or rm, ...on 4d
> orbital with no success.
> Please take a look at attached .psf and .out files and advice.
> Thanks in advanced
> PhD student at KNTU
> <sno2.out><Sn.psf>
> --
> Emilio Artacho
> Theory of Condensed Matter, Department of Physics
> Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
> J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
> +44 1223 337461;

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