Thank you so much Nick for your reply. I really appreciate it.

My issues are the moment is understanding the appropriate choice for
Complex contour integration options and number of gold atoms choice:

1-How can we know that we have chose the right values for each option?

2-Is the approach needed only based on trial and error?

3-Or is there a more systematic method to optimise those options?

4- As for Gold atoms, when I included 48 gold atoms to both left and right 
electrodes, the results I expected was not shown. My question is would it be 
best to increase number of atoms to 96 gold atoms as electrode? Or would it be 
best to keep the 48 gold atoms but include another 48 as buffer atoms?

Thank you very much again and looking forward to any reply. Any contribution 
would be valuable.


 El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
 Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
 | School of Physics

From: <> on behalf of Nick 
Papior <>
Sent: Friday, 14 September 2018 4:47:15 PM
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Concerning siesta 4.1b3

Which commands are you in doubt of?
The manual describes the effect of all the flags in the fdf input. Typically 
the default values are good, however, sometimes it may be advantageous to adapt 
some flags.

Any recommendations from the community to improve the manual are highly 
welcome! And since Siesta is now open-source *any* body can make a merge 
request if they have ideas for the manual!
If you find an inconsistency or something that you think could be better 
explained, please let us know through a merge request.

Den tor. 13. sep. 2018 kl. 22.03 skrev El-abed Haidar 

Good morning

I was just wondering if there is a website or tutorials concerning how to use 
the latest transiesta version in siesta 4.1b3. The reason is that on the manual 
it does not describe specifically how to use the new commands. I read some 
examples but do not know why or how to use them. I used the utility to convert 
fdf files from older version to latest version but do not understand. Was 
hoping for more information than the manual itself if possible. Any help would 
be beneficial.


 El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
 Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group
 | School of Physics

Kind regards Nick

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