Dear Harsh Shah,it may sound banal, but - if you hope for a useful answer you 
should outline your problem in a meaningful way. "A certain system with 110 
atoms did converge but the other one with 769does not" - this is not much of 
information.You define 2000 SCF iterations and 5000 CG steps - who of them do 
not converge?What is your mixing parameter, anyway? How does your failed 
convergence look like?
In some systems (no idea what is yours) with many nearly degenerate statesa 
very drastic reduction of mixing might help(to get the convergence trend right, 
before trying more efficient mixing schemes).Best regards
Andrei Postnikov
----- Harsh Shah <> a écrit :
>Dear Siesta User, 

I am running a file in parallel with around 769 atoms in stampede2 
supercomputer and my file is not converging.
It has been running without giving any error for around 10-12 days and I think 
it should not take that much time.I ran few other files having 110 atoms and it 
is giving proper output.
I am using:MD.MaxForceTol    0.025MeshCutoff(in Ry)  80MaxSCFIterations   
2000MD.NumCGSteps   5000DM.Tolerance         1.d-4
Is there anything which I should change from above?
What can be other possibilities do to which the file is not converging?
I would really appreciate if you could help me out.
Regards,Harsh Shah

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