Dear Lee,

Could you show the output?
There should be no flag called H.Tolerance, it is named SCF.H.Tolerance.

I haven't had any problems with these keys, so my guess is that you have
some other flags in your input that overrides, changes the actual
convergence criteria.

Den man. 8. okt. 2018 kl. 22.08 skrev Patrick Lee <>:

> Dear Siesta Users,
> Thank you for checking this message!
> I tried to modify DM.Tolerance from 1.d-4 to 1.d-3 and H.Tolerance from
> 1.d-3 to 1.d-2 in "scat.fdf" when using transiesta to calculate the
> transmission characteristics of semiconductors.
> *  DM.Tolerance          1.d-3         # Tolerance in maximum difference**
> H.Tlerance               1.d-2*
> After I modified them, in the "filename.out" file, It can be seen that the
> convergence precision has been modified for the accuracy I set,as shown
> below.
> redata: DM tolerance for SCF                                  =     0.001
> redata: Hamiltonian tolerance for SCF                     =     0.010000 eV
> However, when performing SCF iterations, DM.Tolerance and  H.Tolerance still
> uses the default precision (1.d-4 & 1.d-3) to determine whether to
> converge. The changes I made does not play a role in the modification of
> the DM and Hamiltonian tolerance.
> This means that I still can't reduce the precision of DM and Hamiltonian
> in order to get a rough result.
> I don't know how to solve this problem. I will be very grateful if you can
> help me!
> Best regards,
> Lee

Kind regards Nick

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