As the error message states:
One of your variables has unit eV but expects Ry/Bohr

This is your error: (a force is not eV, rather Ry/Bohr or its other
variants, eV/Ang)
MD.MaxForceTol 0.04 eV

Den man. 25. feb. 2019 kl. 22.01 skrev Mina Sedighi <>:

> Dear Siesta users and developers,
> I am performing a CG simulation on a battery system. at the first of
> simulation I receive the following error:
> FDF module: fdf_convfac:  unit's physical dimensions don't match: eV
>   , Ry/Bohr
> This is my .fdf parameters:
> SystemLabel batt_Without_G
> SystemName batt_control
> NumberOfSpecies  5
> NumberOfAtoms 2438
> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> 1 25 Mn
> 2 8 O
> 3 1 H
> 4 30 Zn
> 5 16 S
> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> PAO.BasisType split
> PAO.BasisSize DZP
> PAO.EnergyShift 0.01 RY
> MeshCutoff 400 Ry
> #kgrid.Cutoff 8.73 Ang # half of the smallest lattice vector
> SCF.Mix Hamiltonian
> SCF.Mixer.Method Pulay
> MaxSCFIterations 10000
> SCF.H.Tolerance 1.d-3 ev
> SCF.Mixer.Weight 0.3
> ElectronicTemperature 300 K
> MD.TypeOfRun CG
> MD.Steps 10000
> MD.MaxDispl 0.05 Ang
> MD.MaxForceTol 0.04 eV
> MD.UseSaveCG true
> MD.UseSaveXV true
> atom from 1 to 133
> LatticeConstant 1 Ang
> %block LatticeVectors
>  17.4600000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
>  -10.0000000000 17.3205080757 0.0000000000
>  0.0000000000 0.0000000000 116.9600000000
> %endblock LatticeVectors
> SystemLabel.STRUCT_OUT true
> SystemLabel.STRUCT_NEXT_ITER true
> LongOutput true
> WriteKpoints
> WriteKbands
> WriteCoorStep
> WriteForces
> WriteEigenvalues
> WriteWaveFunctions
> WriteMullikenPop 1
> WriteOrbMom
> SaveElectrostaticPotential
> SaveTotalPotential
> AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
> Please let me know what is wrong in my simulation. Thank you so much.
> Best regards,
> Mina

Kind regards Nick

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