Dear users. 

I tried to extract pDOS from ~.PDOS. 
My supercell consists of 1004 Ga and N atoms and has the shape of one unit cell in z-axis meaning a large flat supercell.
The calculation was well converged. 

In the fmpdos.x, I always got the same error messages. (but it works well for the simple GaN unite cell.) 

Advice me please.

PDOS block in ~.fdf input.
%block ProjectedDensityOfStates
    -20.00   10.00     0.200    500  eV
%endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates

5 0 0 0.5
0 5 0 0.5
0 0 45 0.5
%end PDOS.kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

fmpdos.x run
  Input file name (PDOS):
  Output file name :
  Extract data for atom index (enter atom NUMBER, or 0 to select all),
  or for all atoms of given species (enter its chemical LABEL):
492 504
  Extract data for n= ... (0 for all n ):
  Extract data for l= ... (-1 for all l ):
  Extract data for m= ... (9 for all m ):
  Fail to read integer number from positions           12   through           15  of the string :

양민호 (Yang Mino, Ph.D.)

Senior researcher|Korea Basic Science Institute

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