The data looks like representing the path K -> Gamma -> M -> K:
(b1/3 b2/3 0) -> (0 0 0 ) -> (b1/2 0 0) -> (b1/3 b2/3 0



On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 6:03 PM ziba torkashvand <>

> Thank you very much. your explanation is exactly what I mean. Now my
> question: from M to K is the value of kx must be constant and again for
> ky repeat the above procedure or something else. If yes, I can not see this
> trend in the attached data after G to M path because the value of kx is
> increasing.
> Cheers,
> Ziba Torkashvand
> [image: Mailtrack]
> <;>
>  Sender
> notified by
> Mailtrack
> <;>
>  03/28/19,
> 12:34:57 PM
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 1:52 AM I. Camps <> wrote:
>> Dear Ziba,
>> I think I get what are you asking for.
>> Following the reference (10.1016/j.commatsci.2010.05.010
>> <>) we have for the
>> hexagonal lattice (table 13):
>> Gamma point: 0 0 0
>> M point: b1/2 0 0
>> (b1, b2, b3 are the lattice parameters).
>> In order to build the path between Gamma and M, you need to specify a
>> number of points N and calculated the steps.
>> Let put N=5 and b1=10:
>> You need to calculated the numerical points between kx_initial = 0 (from
>> GAMMA)  and kx_final = b1/2 (from M). In this example between 0 and 5:
>> kx_i = i * (kx_final - kx_initial) / N
>> kx_i = i * (b1/2 - 0) / N
>> kx_i = i * (b1/2) / N
>> kx_i = i * 1
>> (i=0 to N)
>> Giving:
>> 0 0 0 (Gamma)
>> 1 0 0
>> 2 0 0
>> 3 0 0
>> 4 0 0
>> 5 0 0 (M)
>> []'s,
>> Camps
>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 6:14 PM <> wrote:
>>> Sym points are governed by the lattice vectors. Please read kittel' book
>>> on solid state physics chapters 1 and 2
>>> > Thank you for your response. I see but in this references, the high
>>> > symmetry points are provided just in term of lattice vectors now, my
>>> > question is how kx, ky, and kz are vary along this pathes? I have
>>> found a
>>> > file with some data (below) but I can't find my understood relation
>>> > (mensioned in my previous email) between these data for Hexagonal
>>> lattice.
>>> >
>>> > 0.500000000000000         0.288700000000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.493055555555556         0.284690277777778         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.486111111111111         0.280680555555556         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.479166666666667         0.276670833333333         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.472222222222222         0.272661111111111         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.465277777777778         0.268651388888889         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.458333333333333         0.264641666666667         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.451388888888889         0.260631944444444         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.444444444444444         0.256622222222222         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.437500000000000         0.252612500000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.430555555555556         0.248602777777778         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.423611111111111         0.244593055555556         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.416666666666667         0.240583333333333         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.409722222222222         0.236573611111111         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.402777777777778         0.232563888888889         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.395833333333333         0.228554166666667         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.388888888888889         0.224544444444444         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.381944444444444         0.220534722222222         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.375000000000000         0.216525000000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.368055555555556         0.212515277777778         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.361111111111111         0.208505555555556         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.354166666666667         0.204495833333333         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.347222222222222         0.200486111111111         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.340277777777778         0.196476388888889         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.333333333333333         0.192466666666667         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.326388888888889         0.188456944444444         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.319444444444444         0.184447222222222         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.312500000000000         0.180437500000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.305555555555556         0.176427777777778         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.298611111111111         0.172418055555556         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.291666666666667         0.168408333333333         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.284722222222222         0.164398611111111         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.277777777777778         0.160388888888889         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.270833333333333         0.156379166666667         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.263888888888889         0.152369444444444         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.256944444444444         0.148359722222222         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.250000000000000         0.144350000000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.243055555555556         0.140340277777778         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.236111111111111         0.136330555555556         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.229166666666667         0.132320833333333         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.222222222222222         0.128311111111111         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.215277777777778         0.124301388888889         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.208333333333333         0.120291666666667         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.201388888888889         0.116281944444444         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.194444444444444         0.112272222222222         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.187500000000000         0.108262500000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.180555555555556         0.104252777777778         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.173611111111111         0.100243055555556         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.166666666666667         0.0962333333333333      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.159722222222222         0.0922236111111111      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.152777777777778         0.0882138888888889      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.145833333333333         0.0842041666666667      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.138888888888889         0.0801944444444444      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.131944444444444         0.0761847222222222      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.125000000000000         0.0721750000000000      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.118055555555556         0.0681652777777778      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.111111111111111         0.0641555555555556      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.104166666666667         0.0601458333333333      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0972222222222223      0.0561361111111111      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0902777777777778      0.0521263888888889      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0833333333333334      0.0481166666666666      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0763888888888889      0.0441069444444444      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0694444444444445      0.0400972222222222      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0625000000000000      0.0360875000000000      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0555555555555556      0.0320777777777778      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0486111111111112      0.0280680555555555      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0416666666666667      0.0240583333333333      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0347222222222223      0.0200486111111111      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0277777777777778      0.0160388888888889      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0208333333333334      0.0120291666666666      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0138888888888889      0.00801944444444441    0
>>> >
>>> > 0.00694444444444448    0.00400972222222218    0
>>> >
>>> > 0              0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.00966183623188406    0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0193236724637681      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0289855086956522      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0386473449275362      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0483091811594203      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0579710173913043      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0676328536231884      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0772946898550725      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0869565260869565      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.0966183623188406      0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.106280198550725         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.115942034782609         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.125603871014493         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.135265707246377         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.144927543478261         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.154589379710145         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.164251215942029         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.173913052173913         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.183574888405797         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.193236724637681         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.202898560869565         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.212560397101449         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.222222233333333         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.231884069565217         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.241545905797101         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.251207742028986         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.260869578260870         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.270531414492754         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.280193250724638         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.289855086956522         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.299516923188406         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.309178759420290         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.318840595652174         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.328502431884058         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.338164268115942         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.347826104347826         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.357487940579710         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.367149776811594         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.376811613043478         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.386473449275362         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.396135285507246         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.405797121739130         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.415458957971014         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.425120794202899         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.434782630434783         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.444444466666667         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.454106302898551         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.463768139130435         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.473429975362319         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.483091811594203         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.492753647826087         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.502415484057971         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.512077320289855         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.521739156521739         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.531400992753623         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.541062828985507         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.550724665217391         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.560386501449275         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.570048337681159         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.579710173913044         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.589372010144928         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.599033846376812         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.608695682608696         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.618357518840580         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.628019355072464         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.637681191304348         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.647343027536232         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.657004863768116         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.666666700000000         0              0
>>> >
>>> > 0.663636396363636         0.00524909090909091    0
>>> >
>>> > 0.660606092727273         0.0104981818181818      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.657575789090909         0.0157472727272727      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.654545485454545         0.0209963636363636      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.651515181818182         0.0262454545454545      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.648484878181818         0.0314945454545455      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.645454574545455         0.0367436363636364      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.642424270909091         0.0419927272727273      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.639393967272727         0.0472418181818182      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.636363663636364         0.0524909090909091      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.633333360000000         0.0577400000000000      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.630303056363636         0.0629890909090909      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.627272752727273         0.0682381818181818      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.624242449090909         0.0734872727272727      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.621212145454545         0.0787363636363636      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.618181841818182         0.0839854545454545      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.615151538181818         0.0892345454545455      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.612121234545455         0.0944836363636364      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.609090930909091         0.0997327272727273      0
>>> >
>>> > 0.606060627272727         0.104981818181818         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.603030323636364         0.110230909090909         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.600000020000000         0.115480000000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.596969716363636         0.120729090909091         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.593939412727273         0.125978181818182         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.590909109090909         0.131227272727273         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.587878805454545         0.136476363636364         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.584848501818182         0.141725454545455         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.581818198181818         0.146974545454545         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.578787894545455         0.152223636363636         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.575757590909091         0.157472727272727         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.572727287272727         0.162721818181818         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.569696983636364         0.167970909090909         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.566666680000000         0.173220000000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.563636376363636         0.178469090909091         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.560606072727273         0.183718181818182         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.557575769090909         0.188967272727273         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.554545465454545         0.194216363636364         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.551515161818182         0.199465454545455         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.548484858181818         0.204714545454545         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.545454554545454         0.209963636363636         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.542424250909091         0.215212727272727         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.539393947272727         0.220461818181818         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.536363643636364         0.225710909090909         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.533333340000000         0.230960000000000         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.530303036363636         0.236209090909091         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.527272732727273         0.241458181818182         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.524242429090909         0.246707272727273         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.521212125454545         0.251956363636364         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.518181821818182         0.257205454545455         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.515151518181818         0.262454545454545         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.512121214545455         0.267703636363636         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.509090910909091         0.272952727272727         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.506060607272727         0.278201818181818         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.503030303636364         0.283450909090909         0
>>> >
>>> > 0.500000000000000         0.288700000000000         0
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> >
>>> > Ziba Torkashvand
>>> >
>>> > [image: Mailtrack]
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> > Sender
>>> > notified by
>>> > Mailtrack
>>> > <
>>> >
>>> > 03/25/19,
>>> > 2:10:07 AM
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 1:35 AM yangxu-isee <>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> in 2019-03-23 23:48:01,"ziba torkashvand" <>
>>> >> Compose:
>>> >>
>>> >> >Dear all SIESTA users,
>>> >> >I'm trying to find kpoint coordinates (kx,ky,kz) inside the
>>> >> Gamma-M-K-Gamma path for my structure. I have found kpoints
>>> coordinates
>>> >> in
>>> >> siesta output file. I think the kpoints coordinates  in a hexagonal
>>> >> structure must have a trend as below
>>> >> >in Gamma-M path kx must be increasing and ky is zero
>>> >> >in M-K path kx is constant equal to the last point in Gamma-M path
>>> and
>>> >> ky
>>> >> is increasing
>>> >> >in K-Gamma both kx and ky are decreasing.
>>> >> >however, my band structure is the same as reported in papers kx and
>>> ky
>>> >> in
>>> >> output file don't have the same trend as above. I want to know if I'm
>>> in
>>> >> wrong or my input fule has problem.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >Cheers,
>>> >> >Ziba Torkashvand
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >| | Sender notified by
>>> >> >Mailtrack03/23/19, 8:16:02 PM | |
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Prof. Sushil Auluck                      Phone:+91-512-6797092/6148
>>> Department of Physics                          +91-512-6798177(Home)
>>> Indian Institute of Technology           Cell :+91-9305548667
>>> Kanpur 208016 (UP)                       Fax  :+91-512-6790914
>>> India                          
>>> .......................................................................
>>> ~

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