Hi Rayan
Quick question what is the transport direction?
I feel there are some essential blocks missing. Those are generally required 
for a TranSIESTA and TbTrans calculation. Good luck!

%block TS.ChemPots
%endblock TS.ChemPots
%block TS.ChemPot.Left
  mu V/2
%endblock TS.ChemPot.Left
%block TS.ChemPot.Right
  mu -V/2
%endblock TS.ChemPot.Right
TS.Elecs.Bulk true
TS.Elecs.DM.Update cross-terms
TS.Elecs.GF.ReUse true
%block TS.Elecs
%endblock TS.Elecs
%block TS.Elec.Left
  HS ./left.TSHS
  chem-pot Left
  semi-inf-dir -a2
  elec-pos begin 1
  used-atoms 63
%endblock TS.Elec.Left
%block TS.Elec.Right
  HS ./right.TSHS
  chem-pot Right
  semi-inf-dir +a2
  elec-pos end -1
  used-atoms 63
%endblock TS.Elec.Right
TS.Contours.Eq.Pole    2.50000 eV
%block TS.Contour.c-Left
  part circle
   from -999.99893 eV + V/2 to -10. kT + V/2
    points 50
     method g-legendre
%endblock TS.Contour.c-Left
%block TS.Contour.t-Left
  part tail
   from prev to inf
    points 10
     method g-fermi
%endblock TS.Contour.t-Left
%block TS.Contour.c-Right
  part circle
   from -999.99893 eV - V/2 to -10. kT - V/2
    points 50
     method g-legendre
%endblock TS.Contour.c-Right
%block TS.Contour.t-Right
  part tail
   from prev to inf
    points 10
     method g-fermi
%endblock TS.Contour.t-Right
TS.Elecs.Eta    0.0001000000 eV
%block TS.Contours.nEq
%endblock TS.Contours.nEq
%block TS.Contour.nEq.neq
  part line
   from -|V|/2 - 5 kT to |V|/2 + 5 kT
    delta 0.01 eV
     method mid-rule
%endblock TS.Contour.nEq.neq
# TBtrans options
TBT.T.Eig 5
TBT.Elecs.Eta    0.0000136058 eV
%block TBT.Contours
%endblock TBT.Contours
%block TBT.Contour.neq
  part line
   from   -2.00000 eV to    2.00000 eV
    delta    0.00800 eV
     method mid-rule
%endblock TBT.Contour.neq

TBT.DOS.A.All  true
TS.Voltage 0.0 eV

El-abed Haidar | Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
 Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) Group| School of Physics

From: rayan moukhadder<mailto:rayanroro321...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 15 June 2020 6:04 AM
To: siesta-l@uam.es<mailto:siesta-l@uam.es>
Subject: [SIESTA-L] [***Posible SPAM***]Sin Asunto/Subject is blank

Dear all,

I am a phd student and I am new to siesta , I am doing a Transiesta calculation 
for a system that consist of two graphene sheets sandwiching three cobalt 
atoms, as the electrode calculation is successfully done, the SCF iterations in 
SR calculation are not converging where my input file is

SystemName          SR.Co
SystemLabel         SR.Co

NumberOfAtoms       131
NumberOfSpecies        2

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
  1   6  C
  2   27 Co
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

PAO.BasisSize  SZP
PAO.EnergyShift  0.05 Ry
PAO.SplitNorm    0.2

# K-points

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
   1   0   0  0.0
   0   1   0  0.0
   0   0   1  0.5
%endblock Kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

LatticeConstant     1.00 Ang

%block LatticeVectors
17.016 0.000 0.000
0.000 9.824 0.000
0.000 0.0000 14.000
%endblock LatticeVectors
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

0.000 0.000 0.000 1
1.418 0.000 0.000 1
2.127 1.228 0.000 1
3.545 1.228 0.000 1
4.254 0.000 0.000 1
5.672 0.000 0.000 1
6.381  1.228 0.000 1
7.799  1.228 0.000 1
8.508  0.000 0.000 1
9.926  0.000 0.000 1
10.635 1.228 0.000 1
12.053 1.228 0.000 1
12.762 0.000 0.000 1
14.180 0.000 0.000 1
14.889 1.228 0.000 1
16.304 1.228 0.000 1
0.000  2.456 0.000 1
1.418  2.456 0.000 1
2.127  3.684 0.000 1
3.545  3.684 0.000 1
4.254  2.456 0.000 1
5.672  2.456 0.000 1
6.381  3.684 0.000 1
7.799  3.684 0.000 1
8.508  2.456 0.000 1
9.926  2.456 0.000 1
10.635 3.684 0.000 1
12.053 3.684 0.000 1
12.762 2.456 0.000 1
14.180 2.456 0.000 1
14.889 3.684 0.000 1
16.307 3.684 0.000 1
0.000  4.912 0.000 1
1.418  4.912 0.000 1
2.127  6.140 0.000 1
3.545  6.140 0.000 1
4.254  4.912 0.000 1
5.672  4.912 0.000 1
6.381  6.140 0.000 1
7.799  6.140 0.000 1
8.508  4.912 0.000 1
9.926  4.912 0.000 1
10.635 6.140 0.000 1
12.053 6.140 0.000 1
12.762 4.912 0.000 1
14.180 4.912 0.000 1
14.889 6.140 0.000 1
16.307 6.140 0.000 1
0.000  7.368 0.000 1
1.418  7.368 0.000 1
2.127  8.596 0.000 1
3.545  8.596 0.000 1
4.254  7.368 0.000 1
5.672  7.368 0.000 1
6.381  8.596 0.000 1
7.799  8.596 0.000 1
8.508  7.368 0.000 1
9.926  7.368 0.000 1
10.635 8.596 0.000 1
12.053 8.596 0.000 1
12.762 7.368 0.000 1
14.180 7.368 0.000 1
14.889 8.596 0.000 1
16.307 8.596 0.000 1
7.0900  4.912 1.400 2
7.0900  4.912 3.900 2
7.0900  4.912 6.400 2
0.000  0.000 7.800 1
1.418  0.000 7.800 1
2.127 1.228 7.800 1
3.545 1.228 7.800 1
4.254 0.000 7.800 1
5.672 0.000 7.800 1
6.381  1.228 7.800 1
7.799  1.228 7.800 1
8.508  0.000 7.800 1
9.926  0.000 7.800 1
10.635 1.228 7.800 1
12.053 1.228 7.800 1
12.762 0.000 7.800 1
14.180 0.000 7.800 1
14.889 1.228 7.800 1
16.304 1.228 7.800 1
0.000  2.456 7.800 1
1.418  2.456 7.800 1
2.127  3.684 7.800 1
3.545  3.684 7.800 1
4.254  2.456 7.800 1
5.672  2.456 7.800 1
6.381  3.684 7.800 1
7.799  3.684 7.800 1
8.508  2.456 7.800 1
9.926  2.456 7.800 1
10.635 3.684 7.800 1
12.053 3.684 7.800 1
12.762 2.456 7.800 1
14.180 2.456 7.800 1
14.889 3.684 7.800 1
16.307 3.684 7.800 1
0.000  4.912 7.800 1
1.418  4.912 7.800 1
2.127  6.140 7.800 1
3.545  6.140 7.800 1
4.254  4.912 7.800 1
5.672  4.912 7.800 1
6.381  6.140 7.800 1
7.799  6.140 7.800 1
8.508  4.912 7.800 1
9.926  4.912 7.800 1
10.635 6.140 7.800 1
12.053 6.140 7.800 1
12.762 4.912 7.800 1
14.180 4.912 7.800 1
14.889 6.140 7.800 1
16.307 6.140 7.800 1
0.000  7.368 7.800 1
1.418  7.368 7.800 1
2.127  8.596 7.800 1
3.545  8.596 7.800 1
4.254  7.368 7.800 1
5.672  7.368 7.800 1
6.381  8.596 7.800 1
7.799  8.596 7.800 1
8.508  7.368 7.800 1
9.926  7.368 7.800 1
10.635 8.596 7.800 1
12.053 8.596 7.800 1
12.762 7.368 7.800 1
14.180 7.368 7.800 1
14.889 8.596 7.800 1
16.307 8.596 7.800 1

%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

# General variables

ElectronicTemperature  100 K
MeshCutoff           350. Ry
xc.functional         GGA           # Exchange-correlation functional
xc.authors            PBE
SpinPolarized .false.
SolutionMethod Transiesta

# SCF variables

DM.MixSCF1   T
MaxSCFIterations    4000           # Maximum number of SCF iter
DM.MixingWeight       0.2          # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
DM.Tolerance          0.0009        # Tolerance in maximum difference
DM.UseSaveDM          true          # to use continuation files
DM.NumberPulay         5
Diag.DivideAndConquer  no
Diag.ParallelOverK     yes

# MD variables

MD.FinalTimeStep 1
MD.TypeOfRun CG
MD.NumCGsteps     000
MD.UseSaveXV      .true.

# Output variables

WriteMullikenPop                1
WriteBands                      .true.
SaveRho                         .true.
SaveDeltaRho                    .true.
SaveHS                          .true.
SaveElectrostaticPotential      True
SaveTotalPotential              no
WriteCoorXmol                   .true.
WriteMDXmol                     .true.
WriteMDhistory                  .false.
WriteEigenvalues                yes


# Transiesta information

TS.ComplexContour.Emin    -30.0 eV
TS.ComplexContour.NPoles       03
TS.ComplexContour.NCircle      30
TS.ComplexContour.NLine        10
TS.RealContour.Emin       -30.0 eV
TS.RealContour.Emax        20.0 eV

TS.biasContour.NumPoints       10
TS.Voltage 0.000000 eV

TS.TBT.Emin -5.0 eV
TS.TBT.Emax +5.0 eV
TS.TBT.NPoints 100
TS.TBT.NEigen 3
TS.TBT.Eta        0.000001 Ry

# Write hamiltonian
TS.SaveHS   .true.

TS.HSFileLeft  ./elec.arm.TSHS
TS.NumUsedAtomsLeft  64
TS.BufferAtomsLeft    0

TS.HSFileRight  ./elec.arm.TSHS
TS.NumUsedAtomsRight  64
TS.BufferAtomsRight    0
UseSaveData true
 can please anyone help me to know how can i reach convergence knowing that he 
SCF iterations reached about 300 iteration without showing any sign of 
Thanks in advance

SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

Responder a