Dear All,
The transport system I calculated contains gold electrodes and a molecular junction. Due to the weak coupling between the electrodes and the molecule, the molecule has bound states. I know that the input file FDF should contain“ TBT.DOS.Gf True ". And I reduced "delta" in “ TBT.Contour.line ” from 0.03922 eV to 0.002eV,  added more k points in TBT.k. 
The output file *.nc reached about 1TB, the  output current varies greatly with the above parameters.The transmission spectrum  contains many spike like peaks, which are mismatched with AVDOS.
Can someone tell me how to reduce the size of *.nc files and how to set appropriate parameters?

Attachment: device.fdf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dos&TE.png
Description: Binary data

SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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