Dear All,
I have some questions in the process of learning Green's function.I hope someone can help me.
(1)  The surface Green function contains all the informations about interaction between  electrodes and scatter region, but for Transiesta, we must add some buffer layers, so the surface GF  in transiesta will be the interaction between electrodes and buffers? if so,  how can I get the real information about the coupling between the electrode and the central region?
(2) The current obtained by Landauer formula is related to transimisson, so all the current is resonant transport current, it that right? Then, how to calculate the tunneling current?
(3) The GF formula have a small complex number (called eta ), why is this number introduced? For Transiesta code, how to deal with this formula? Is it represented by 0.0000001j ?

SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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