Dear siesta users

I am using transiesta code to get the I-V characteristics of Armchair
MoS2 nanoribbon as scattering (with 8 unit cells) and electrode
material. All the calculations (electrode, transiesta and tbtrans) run
perfectly for the voltage range of 0-2V with good SCF convergence.
However, in all voltages I get nearly zero transmission in the bias
window and consequently very low current (about 10^-16 A).
Since my armchair MoS2 NR is a semiconductor with the bandgap of about
0.5 eV I expected that current should start to increase exponentially
from 0.5 V bias and reach the order of micro Ampere. I have attached
.fdf files of my scattering and electrodes.

I would appreciate if someone could help me to find the problem.

Best regards,
Samaneh Soleimani-Amiri
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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