Dear siesta users

I have been trying to calculate the spin polarized band structure for my system.
First of all i optimized my system with
"variable cell' true
num of cg steps 500 and
spinpolarized option false

then using the relaxed coordinates and relaxed lattice parameters and
with options

variable cell false
num of cg steps 0
spinpolarized option true
%block DM.InitSpin
 3   +2.0
%endblock DM.InitSpin

.bands file is calculated
 where "3" is used for denoting the atom iron  Fe in my system in fdf file.

then i converted .bands file into .dat file using
gnubands <    .bands| band.dat

but i have got a single file for bands i am unable to separate the
spin up and spin down bands how to get these? is there any mistake.

please help if anyone can

Thank you
Veerpal Kaur.
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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