Dear Harkishan,

I believe what you are actually trying to calculate is the charge q_i that one can attribute to each individual atom in the system. At the end, the overall dipole moment is the sum over all q_i * r_i .

In the manual you find options to calculate Voronoi, Mulliken or Hirshfeld charges which are a good starting point for that.

Alternatively, you could calculate the Born-Effective charge, i.e. the variation of dipole moment upon small spacial variation of an atom.

I hope this might help a bit.



Am 2021-03-19 06:39, schrieb Harkishan Dua:

Dear All,
I have system containing carbon, boron and nitrogen atoms and from calculations, I have obtained the overall dipole moment of the system. I wish to know how I can find the individual atom contribution towards the dipole moment using siesta.
Eagerly waiting for your reply


Harkishan Dua
PhD Student
Department of Physics
Assam University, Silchar.
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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