Hello everyone,

I'm having some problems with an optimization of the dimensions of the
unit cell under certain constraints. I want to perform a relaxation of
an orthorhombic unit cell where the product of two of the unit cell
vectors (a·b) remain constant, so the area along the XY plane remain

I tried to use the constr.f file to do this, but the cell vector matrix
can be only used as an input, so I can not change the values of the unit
cell vectors from here.

If I use the "MD.ConstantVolume true" option and constrain the stress
tensor along the zz, xz, yz and xy components, so I obtain an
orthorhombic cell with fixed Z, and consequently if it has fixed
volume,  I guessed that the area of the XY plane would be also constant.
But it also doesn't keep the XY area fixed, as the constant volume
constraint is applied after the stress tensor constraints, so the Z
component is altered when the cell is expanded or contracted to keep the
volume constant.

I don't know if I'm missing something and there is actually a simple way
to keep constant the area of one of the faces of the orthorhombic cell.

Thank you


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