
I think that the coordinates "xa" can only be used as an input. In this 
constr.f routine you can only change the values of the forces and stresses of the system, 
as they are the only outputs coming from this routine. I guess that you are also 
including the section:

%block GeometryConstraints

routine constr

%endblock GeometryConstraints

In your input "*.fdf" file. To constrain for example the movement of the "5" 
first atoms of the system I suggest to use this kind of code:


do i = 1, n

   fa ( 1 , i ) = 0.d0

   fa ( 2 , i ) = 0.d0

   fa ( 3 , i ) = 0.d0

end do

I hope this helps


El 20/5/21 a las 10:40, Pablo Álvarez Rodríguez escribió:
Dear SIESTA users.
I am currently struggling to make constraints to certain atom blocks in SIESTA. 
For so, I use constr.f modified by nullifying the atomic forces by including 
the code line :


where i is the number of atoms I want to constrain. Afterwards I compile the 
new siesta file with the modified constr.f in order to use it, but it seems it 
doesn't work properly, as atoms still suffer movements even after constraining 
them with constr.f.
I don't really understand how constr.f works as I may forget something.
Do I need to include anything more in order to make a working constraint, like 
for example, rewrite the coordinates with xa?


Yours Sincerely

Pablo Álvarez Rodríguez.

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