Dear SIESTA users, I've been using SIESTA for the past few months and have had this problem with computation- I use SIESTA on my laptop for running basic calculations such as bandstructure and *it takes too much time and resources*. So to solve this problem, *I've made a [Github action]( <>) which will run SIESTA on Github Virtual Machines( called runners) and give you a downloadable output. *This will save you computational time and allow you to test multiple inputs without using your own computational resources. Note: Github doesn't allow computation for more than 6 hours.(I'm trying to overcome it.) And a free Github account allows 2000 minutes of computation time. Also students can avail a Pro account for free, which gives much more computation time.
I hope this helps people, especially students. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Yours sincerely, Shantanu Dash Undergraduate student in Physics University of Delhi <> Virus-free. <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
-- SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (