
You have a number of errors in your input file:

-- The atomic number of C is 6, not 12
-- For C and N, the d orbital should have n=3
-- For H the p orbital should have n=2

 I hope this helps. You must have made changes to Simune's files...


----- El 2 de Feb de 2022, a las 09:49, Krishna Mohan krishna.mo...@mbcet.ac.in 

| Dear List
| I am trying to optimize an organic molecule (cation) with DZP basis and GGA 
| available freely from the Simune. My input is attached very below to this 
| Can any one tell why the program crashed even when I used Simunes' well tested
| DZP basis and PSF files?
| Simune: Are you able to reproduce this error? I use Siesta 4.1 in Linux 64.
| Thanks in advance
| Krishna
| *******************************************************************
| *******************************************************************
| ....
| ....
| ************************** End of input data file 
| reinit: 
| reinit: System Name: methyleneblue
| reinit: 
| reinit: System Label: methbluegga
| reinit: 
| initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals 
| Species number: 1 Atomic number: 12 Label: C
| Species number: 2 Atomic number: 1 Label: H
| Species number: 3 Atomic number: 7 Label: N
| Species number: 4 Atomic number: 16 Label: S
| Ground state valence configuration: 3s02
| Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from C.psf
| Pseudopotential generated from a relativistic atomic calculation
| Valence configuration for pseudopotential generation:
| 2s( 2.00) rc: 1.01
| 2p( 2.00) rc: 1.28
| 3d( 0.00) rc: 1.60
| 4f( 0.00) rc: 1.60
| Ground state valence configuration: 1s01
| Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from H.psf
| Pseudopotential generated from a relativistic atomic calculation
| Valence configuration for pseudopotential generation:
| 1s( 1.00) rc: 1.31
| 2p( 0.00) rc: 1.13
| 3d( 0.00) rc: 1.09
| 4f( 0.00) rc: 1.14
| Ground state valence configuration: 2s02 2p03
| Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from N.psf
| Pseudopotential generated from a relativistic atomic calculation
| Valence configuration for pseudopotential generation:
| 2s( 2.00) rc: 1.29
| 2p( 3.00) rc: 1.42
| 3d( 0.00) rc: 1.74
| 4f( 0.00) rc: 2.98
| Ground state valence configuration: 3s02 3p04
| Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from S.psf
| Pseudopotential generated from a relativistic atomic calculation
| Valence configuration for pseudopotential generation:
| 3s( 2.00) rc: 1.35
| 3p( 4.00) rc: 2.04
| 3d( 0.00) rc: 1.92
| 4f( 0.00) rc: 1.80
| Semicore shell(s) with 2 electrons included in the valence for
| C
| For C, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 3
| (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
| Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.
| For H, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 2
| (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
| Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.
| For N, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 3
| (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
| Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.
| For S, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 3
| (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
| Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.
| <basis_specs>
| C Z= 12 Mass= 24.310 Charge= 0.17977+309
| Lmxo=2 Lmxkb= 3 BasisType=split Semic=T
| L=0 Nsemic=0 Cnfigmx=2
| n=1 nzeta=2 polorb=0
| splnorm: 0.15000
| vcte: 40.000
| rinn: -0.90000
| qcoe: 0.0000
| qyuk: 0.0000
| qwid: 0.10000E-01
| rcs: 5.9487 2.5090
| lambdas: 1.0000 1.0000
| L=1 Nsemic=0 Cnfigmx=2
| n=1 nzeta=2 polorb=0
| splnorm: 0.15000
| vcte: 40.000
| rinn: -0.90000
| qcoe: 0.0000
| qyuk: 0.0000
| qwid: 0.10000E-01
| rcs: 7.6384 2.6226
| lambdas: 1.0000 1.0000
| L=2 Nsemic=0 Cnfigmx=2
| n=1 nzeta=1 polorb=0
| splnorm: 0.15000
| vcte: 40.000
| rinn: -0.90000
| qcoe: 6.4005
| qyuk: 0.10000E-01
| qwid: 0.10000E-01
| rcs: 7.6384
| lambdas: 1.0000
| L=0 Nkbl=1 erefs: 0.17977+309
| L=1 Nkbl=1 erefs: 0.17977+309
| L=2 Nkbl=1 erefs: 0.17977+309
| L=3 Nkbl=1 erefs: 0.17977+309
| </basis_specs>
| atom: Called for C (Z = 12)
| read_vps: Pseudopotential generation method:
| read_vps: ATM4.1.0 Troullier-Martins
| Total valence charge: 4.00000
| read_vps: Pseudopotential includes a core correction:
| read_vps: Pseudo-core for xc-correction
| xc_check: Exchange-correlation functional:
| xc_check: GGA Perdew, Burke & Ernzerhof 1996
| V l=0 = -2*Zval/r beyond r= 1.3105
| V l=1 = -2*Zval/r beyond r= 1.3437
| V l=2 = -2*Zval/r beyond r= 1.5809
| V l=3 = -2*Zval/r beyond r= 1.5612
| All V_l potentials equal beyond r= 1.5612
| This should be close to max(r_c) in ps generation
| All pots = -2*Zval/r beyond r= 1.5809
| VLOCAL1: 99.0% of the norm of Vloc inside 17.809 Ry
| VLOCAL1: 99.9% of the norm of Vloc inside 40.586 Ry
| atom: Maximum radius for 4*pi*r*r*local-pseudopot. charge 1.88329
| atom: Maximum radius for r*vlocal+2*Zval: 1.62091
| GHOST: No ghost state for L = 0
| GHOST: No ghost state for L = 1
| GHOST: No ghost state for L = 2
| GHOST: No ghost state for L = 3
| KBgen: Kleinman-Bylander projectors:
| l= 0 rc= 1.725473 el= -1.010221 Ekb= 8.218425 kbcos= 0.222598
| l= 1 rc= 1.725473 el= -0.388552 Ekb= -5.584060 kbcos= -0.323429
| l= 2 rc= 2.055542 el= 0.001971 Ekb= -0.907290 kbcos= -0.010017
| l= 3 rc= 2.300349 el= 0.003065 Ekb= -0.378353 kbcos= -0.001367
| KBgen: Total number of Kleinman-Bylander projectors: 16
| atom: 
| atom: Selected multiple-zeta basis: split
| SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 0
| SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 2s
| izeta = 1
| lambda = 1.000000
| rc = 5.948690
| energy = -1.009571
| kinetic = 0.879711
| potential(screened) = -1.889282
| potential(ionic) = -5.431187
| izeta = 2
| rmatch = 2.542323
| splitnorm = 0.464849
| energy = -0.304021
| kinetic = 2.397087
| potential(screened) = -2.701108
| potential(ionic) = -6.677248
| SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 1
| SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 2p
| izeta = 1
| lambda = 1.000000
| rc = 7.638387
| energy = -0.387791
| kinetic = 2.366378
| potential(screened) = -2.754169
| potential(ionic) = -6.141387
| izeta = 2
| rmatch = 2.606692
| splitnorm = 0.403257
| energy = 0.178602
| kinetic = 5.443206
| potential(screened) = -5.264603
| potential(ionic) = -9.357889
| SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 2
| SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 2d
| Charge confinement: Q: 6.4005
| izeta = 1
| lambda = 1.000000
| rc = 7.638387
| energy = 1.876278
| kinetic = 3.712261
| potential(screened) = -1.835983
| potential(ionic) = -5.109537
| atom: Total number of Sankey-type orbitals: 13
| atm_pop: Valence configuration (for local Pseudopot. screening):
| 2s( 2.00) 0s( 2.00)
| 2p( 6.00) 0p( 0.00)
| 2d(10.00) 0d( 0.00)
| Vna: chval, zval: 18.00000 4.00000
| You might have an extra low-lying basis orbital
| Total charge in occupied basis states different from valence charge
| Total charge in occupied basis states different from valence charge
| Stopping Program from Node: 0
| Stopping Program from Node: 0
| Program aborted. Backtrace:
| #0 0x150f52117640 in ???
| #1 0x150f52118134 in ???
| #2 0x150f52292f08 in ???
| #3 0x7fe10a in ???
| #4 0x4e5349 in vna
| at /home/krishnamohan/MyScience/Siesta/siesta-4.1-b4/Src/atom.F:5421
| #5 0x4fcbcc in __atom_MOD_atom_main
| at /home/krishnamohan/MyScience/Siesta/siesta-4.1-b4/Src/atom.F:656
| #6 0x44b669 in ???
| #7 0x4b4567 in ???
| #8 0x402bae in ???
| #9 0x150f515cb349 in ???
| #10 0x402c79 in ???
| at ../sysdeps/x86_64/start.S:120
| #11 0xffffffffffffffff in ???
| Aborted (core dumped)
| *************************************************************************
| **************************************************************************
| SystemName methyleneblue
| SystemLabel methbluegga
| NumberOfSpecies 4
| NumberOfAtoms 38
| %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
| 1 12 C
| 2 1 H
| 3 7 N
| 4 16 S
| %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
| PAO.BasisType split
| PAO.BasisSize DZP
| PAO.EnergyShift 0.02 Ry
| %block PAO.Basis
| C 3
| n=2 0 2 E 40 -0.9
| 5.94869034392 2.5090419
| n=2 1 2 E 40 -0.9
| 7.63838693570 2.6226139
| n=2 2 1 E 40 -0.9 Q 6.4005365 .0100000
| 7.63838693570
| H 2
| n=1 0 2 E 40 -0.9
| 7.38657734676 2.5578156
| n=1 1 1 E 40 -0.9 Q 9.4900562 1.5464743
| 7.38657734676
| N 3
| n=2 0 2 E 40 -0.9
| 6.5 4.3806496
| n=2 1 2 E 40 -0.9
| 6.71294063991 2.4269315
| n=2 2 1 E 40 -0.9 Q 8.2241579 .0100000
| 6.71294063991
| S 3
| n=3 0 2 E 40 -0.9
| 5.76834044229 3.3526650
| n=3 1 2 E 40 -0.9
| 7.40673974180 3.5873572
| n=3 2 1 E 40 -0.9 Q 2.6112698 .0100000
| 7.40673974180
| %endblock PAO.Basis
| XC.Functional GGA
| XC.authors PBE
| LatticeConstant 1 Ang
| %block LatticeVectors
| 40.00000 0.000000 0.000000
| 0.000000 40.00000 0.000000
| 0.000000 0.000000 40.00000
| %endblock LatticeVectors
| %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
| 6 0 0 0.5
| 0 6 0 0.5
| 0 0 6 0.5
| %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
| AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
| %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
| -1.3751 -0.4797 -0.0229 1
| 1.3545 -0.3909 -0.0146 1
| -1.1741 0.9951 0.0433 1
| 1.1889 0.9956 0.0470 1
| -3.8132 -0.1564 -0.0134 1
| 3.7732 -0.1081 0.0013 1
| -2.6075 -1.0066 -0.0489 1
| 2.6504 -0.9339 -0.0370 1
| -2.4101 1.8260 0.0787 1
| 2.3299 1.8145 0.0849 1
| -3.6360 1.3017 0.0525 1
| 3.6128 1.2695 0.0624 1
| -5.1847 -2.1463 -0.1081 1
| -6.2100 0.1677 -0.0087 1
| 6.1714 0.0561 -0.6161 1
| 5.3100 -1.9764 0.5567 1
| -2.7154 -2.0853 -0.0973 2
| 2.7674 -2.0142 -0.0983 2
| -2.2828 2.9033 0.1275 2
| 2.2200 2.8961 0.1355 2
| -4.4809 1.9788 0.0815 2
| 4.4602 1.9473 0.1054 2
| -4.7433 -2.6060 0.7809 2
| -4.7387 -2.5245 -1.0324 2
| -6.2532 -2.3785 -0.1211 2
| -6.2167 0.8199 -0.8868 2
| -6.2252 0.7367 0.9253 2
| -7.1008 -0.4656 -0.0421 2
| 6.5551 0.8121 0.0769 2
| 5.8755 0.5438 -1.5518 2
| 7.0002 -0.6176 -0.8611 2
| 4.7795 -2.0989 1.5079 2
| 6.3751 -2.1211 0.7697 2
| 5.0014 -2.7703 -0.1315 2
| -4.9874 -0.6754 -0.0415 3
| 5.0658 -0.6703 -0.0232 3
| -0.0519 1.6424 0.0741 3
| -0.0068 -1.5248 -0.0665 4
| %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
| # Cation = +1 charge!
| NetCharge = 1.
| kgrid_cutoff 50.0 Ang
| MD.TypeOfRun CG
| MD.VariableCell T
| MD.NumCGsteps 200
| MD.MaxCGDispl 0.05 Ang
| MD.MaxForceTol 0.005 eV/Ang # 5.d-5 eV/Ang
| MeshCutoff 300 Ry
| DM.NumberPulay 7
| DM.UseSaveDM F
| DM.MixingWeight 0.5000 # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
| DM.Tolerance 1.d-6 # Tolerance in maximum difference
| # between input and output DM
| DM.NumberKick 5
| DM.KickMixingWeight 1.000
| DM.RequireEnergyConvergence T
| DM.EnergyTolerance 1.d-7 Ry
| ElectronicTemperature 300 K
| MaxSCFIterations 100
| WriteCoorStep .true.
| WriteForces .true.
| WriteKpoints .false.
| Go Green: DO NOT print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary. Save paper, 
| Trees.
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| The information in this mail, including any attachments, is confidential and 
| intended solely for the addressee. Access to this mail by anyone else is
| unauthorized. Copying or further distribution beyond the original recipient 
| be unlawful if you are not the intended recipient. Please contact the sender 
| reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Any opinion
| expressed in this mail is that of the sender and does not necessarily reflect
| that of Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology ,
| Thiruvananthapuram.
| --
| SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European
| H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

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