Hello Amal Yassin,


I believe the problem in your fdf file is the “#” symbol at the beginning of 
the line “%endblock LatticeVectors”. The “#” symbol commented out this line, 
making the lattice vectors block incomplete, causing the error you’ve seen.


But there’s another problem too. In the atomic coordinates block, floating 
point values should use the decimal point "." instead of the comma ",”. After 
replacing all commas with decimal points, and deleting the “#” symbol mentioned 
above, I can run this file normally on my system.


Best Regards,

Li Jian


发件人: siesta-l-ow...@uam.es <siesta-l-ow...@uam.es> 代表 Amal Yassin
发送时间: 2022年9月21日 18:24
收件人: siesta-l@uam.es
主题: [SIESTA-L] 


Dear Siesta Users

I make run to carbone nanotube armchair, but i find an error, can anyone helle 
me to solve this error? ( I added also fdf file here)


FDF module: fdf_bline: block_fdf structure not initialized
     File: fdf.F90
     Line:  2803
STOP Stopping Program


FDF file:
SystemLabel      arm

NumberOfAtoms    12
NumberOfSpecies  1

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
    1    6  C
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang
%block LatticeVectors
 25.000   0.0         0.0
 0.000   2.50108130    0.0
 0.0000   25.0         0.0
#%endblock LatticeVectors

#%block LatticeParameters
 # 7,476200  7,476200  2,464300  90,000000  90,000000  120,000000
#%endblock LatticeParameters

AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
     0,776200000     0,500000000     0,000000000    1
     0,813800000     0,706100000     0,000000000    1
     0,776200000     0,776200000     0,500000000    1
     0,607700000     0,813800000     0,500000000    1
     0,500000000     0,776200000     0,000000000    1
     0,293900000     0,607700000     0,000000000    1
     0,223800000     0,500000000     0,500000000    1
     0,186200000     0,293900000     0,500000000    1
     0,223800000     0,223800000     0,000000000    1
     0,392300000     0,186200000     0,000000000    1
     0,500000000     0,223800000     0,500000000    1
     0,706100000     0,392300000     0,500000000    1
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

PAO.BasisType    split
PAO.BasisSize    DZP
PAO.EnergyShift     50 meV

SolutionMethod     diagon
PAO.SplitNorm    0,150000

XC.functional    LDA
XC.Authors    PZ
SpinPolarized    false
MeshCutoff    300,000000 Ry

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
10 0 0 0.0
0 1 0 0.0
0 0 10 0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

MD.MaxForceTol    0,0050000 eV/Ang
MD.InitialTimeStep    1
MD.FinalTimeStep      1
MD.LengthTimeStep    1 fs
MD.NumCGsteps         0
MD.TypeOfRun         CG
DM.MixingWeight      0.02
WriteCoorXmol        true
WriteMDXmol          true
WriteMullikenPop     1
DM.NumberPulay       5
ElectronicTemperature    300,000000 K
MaxSCFIterations    500
DM.Tolerance          1.d-5
SolutionMethod   diagon
TS.WriteHS       true

DM.UseSaveDM          true
UseSaveData          true
MD.UseSaveXV         true
MD.UseSaveCG         true

%block BandLines
1    0.0 0.0 0.0 \Gamma
50   0.0 0.0 0.5  X
100  0.0 0.0 0.0 \Gamma
%endblock BandLines

%block ProjectedDensityOfStates
-30.00  20.00  0.2  1000 eV
%endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates

%block PAO.basis
C    3       .35201
n=2   0   2   E    50.37145     5.22551
     5.43077     3.08484
     1.00000     1.00000
n=2   1   2   E    13.53326     6.81234
     6.83094     3.01366
     1.00000     1.00000
n=2   2   1   E   110.78225      .01065
%endblock PAO.basis

SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (http://www.max-centre.eu/)

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