Dear Siesta users,
I'm trying to perform the optimization of an unit cell composed by four 
molecules of the a neurotransmitter (for reference, the type of system is 
similar to: J. Appl. Phys. 129, 234702 (2021);;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!VFwPgy7nicqJ4IHnnPgVwKcU8-H_FqWGOqP4Sbhw1XjlP5vvlaNC3lgewdXOsPI0ygo0IQ2_Io4V3TxayhNCrw$
 ). It's a monoclinic crystal with equal alpha and gamma angles. 
When I run the geometry optimization, the result is always the shortening of 
the a, b, c, alpha and gamma, and the increase of beta (from 96° to 98-99°). 
However, it is expected that the a, b, and c parameters to increase. I thought 
it could be something related with the pseudopotencial, and downloaded the PBE 
Pseudopotencial from different sources, but nothing change. 
Could someone help me to understand what's wrong? 
I'm including the parameters I used to control the simulation
#MD.TypeOfRun           CG               MD.Steps                     2000      
      MD.MaxDispl               0.001 Bohr      MD.MaxForceTol         0.01 
eV/Ang      MD.VariableCell         T                MD.MaxStressTol        
0.02 GPa         MD.TargetPressure      0.0 GPa          
# WriteCoorStep           TWriteForces             TWriteMDHistory          
TWriteCoorInitial        T
# DM.UseSaveDM            TMD.UseSaveXV            TMD.UseSaveCG            T
Thank you for your help
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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