Dear SIESTA developers and users,

Here is an example of the use of (Infinite plane) in the SIESTA 4.1-b4 manual 
(Page 101):

%block Geometry.Hartree
plane 1. eV                  # The lifting potential on the geometry
1.0   1.0   1.0   Ang      # An intersection point, in the plane
1.0   0.5   0.2                # The normal vector to the plane
%endblock Geometry.Hartree

I have two questions about the above example:
1, Does the normal vector start at (1.0   1.0   1.0) and end at (1.0   0.5   
0.2) ? 
2, The unit of coordinate (1.0   0.5   0.2) is not marked, is it Ang ?

I'm really looking forward to some help.

Thank you very much!



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