Dear Users,

The constraint subroutine takes the form: subroutine constr( cell, na, isa,
amass, xa, stress, fa, ntcon ). It doesn't contain information about

Now I am using a harmonic potential with a stiff spring to constrain a pair
of atoms separated by a distance of r0. I should be able to pass the
constraint harmonic energy V=1/2 * k * (rij - r0)^2 to the subroutine to be
added to the total energy i.e., E + 1/2 * k * (rij - r0)^2 will be the
total energy.

Which routines should I modify to allow the total energy to account for the
constraint energy?
SIESTA is supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and by the European 
H2020 MaX Centre of Excellence (

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