For now, I'm neither for or against this proposal. I think the intention of the 
author is good but the implementation is not as easy as is explained in the 
proposal. QoS is very crucial for ISPs to sustain the fierce market competition 
and if APNIC fails to timely update the AS0 ROAs, this will effect the service 
delivery and/or network downtime.

I request APNIC to provide a detailed review of this proposal from a service 
and legal perspective so the community can better understand the 
implementation, if this proposal reaches consensus.

Kind regards
Javed Khan

From: <> 
on behalf of David Farmer <>
Sent: Friday, 23 August 2019 10:48 AM
To: Aftab Siddiqui <>
Cc: Sumon Ahmed Sabir <>; Policy SIG <>
Subject: Re: [sig-policy] prop-132-v002: AS0 for Bogons

On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 9:04 PM Aftab Siddiqui 
<<>> wrote:
Hi David,

On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 6:36 AM David Farmer 
<<>> wrote:
The problem statement says;

Bogons are defined in RFC3871, A "Bogon" (plural: "bogons") is a packet
with an IP source address in an address block not yet allocated by IANA
or the Regional Internet Registries (ARIN, RIPE NCC, APNIC, AFRINIC and

So that raises a question, what about resources that are deregisterd because 
they are returned, revoked, or otherwise reclaimed, for any of a myriad of 
reasons, including non-payment of fees? Do they become Bogons with AS0 ROAs the 
moment they are deregistered? Later, if so when? What if there is a ROA for 
them in the system? Are the ROAs removed, if so when?

I also had some concerns about revoked and/or reclaimed space and closed 
account due to non payment so I asked Secretariat in advance and here is the 
APNIC membership account is classified as closed when its status is flagged as 
‘closed’ in APNIC’s internal system.

30 days - payment period upon issuance of invoice, if no payment is received 
within this period member receives expiry notice and the account status becomes 
After 15 days – member receives email notification for closure giving them 
another 15 days to pay
After 15 days – the status of the account becomes 'closed' and all delegated 
resources under the account are reclaimed

All in all members have 60 days period to pay before the status of the account 
becomes ‘closed’.

As long as the account is suspended APNIC doesn't consider those resources as 
free/available/reclaimed and because they are not part of unallocated pool 
thats why no need to create AS0 ROAs for such resources. AS0 ROAs will be 
created once APNIC mark those resources available and remove them from their 
delegation record. Now, the second issue is if there is a ROA for them in the 
system. Because AS 0 ROA has a lower relative preference than any other ROA 
that has a routable AS then APNIC has to somehow delete the existing ROA from 
the system. Its easy if the member account is closed and all resources are 
reclaimed. But I leave this to APNIC to decide how they are going to make that 

Currently, when the account is closed nothing actively makes the resources 
unusable, accept for if you were also changing providers during this timeframe, 
then when the new provider checks the resources they will be unregistered. But 
most providers don't recheck the registration of resources very often, if ever, 
other than at the time of setup of service.

With this proposal at some point, the resource will effectively become unusable 
with nonpayment, when the AS0 ROA is created, and any ROAs are removed, I'm 
fine with this, but it should be called out as a consequence of the proposal, 
so no one can say they didn't realize that is a consequence of the proposal.

This proposal changes the consequences for nonpayment, that should be made 
clear in the proposal one way or another.

Also as Owen noted the RIRs frequently have a hold period after the account is 
closed, resource are usually held for some period after account closure and 
before they are reissued to a new user.

Personally I think they should be deregistered for some amount of time before 
the becoming Bogons and have an AS0 ROA created them, also for the AS0 ROA to 
be effective any ROAs for these deregistered resources need to be removed as 

I would propose something like the following;

  1.  Upon de-reregistration any existing ROAs are removed from RPKI
  2.  30 days after de-registraion, AS0 ROAs are created except for non-payment 
  3.  90 days after de-registraion, AS0 ROAs are created in the case of 
non-payment fees


Thanks for these suggestions but do you think the existing waiting period as 
outlined above in APNIC's response is good enough to mark them as 
free/unallocated? or you think additional cooling-off window should be added 
after the account is closed? How about 30 days after de-registration whether it 
was closed due to non-payment or otherwise.

They were just suggestions, but I will note that you only discussed the timing 
for nonpayment, resources can be returned voluntarily or they can be revoked 
for cause, this is rare but it does happen and the timing assoicated with these 
instances should be understood as well.

Also, I was suggesting the AS0 ROAs should not created immediately on account 
closure but some period of time after that,

Right now there seems to be two phases, suspension and account closure, I'm 
proposing a third phase resource deactivation, the creation of the AS0 ROAs. I 
suppose account closure and resource deactivation can occur simultaneously, I 
think they should be separate as an escalating series of events.


On Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 12:52 AM Sumon Ahmed Sabir 
<<>> wrote:
Dear SIG members

A new version of the proposal "prop-132: AS0 for Bogons"
has been sent to the Policy SIG for review.

Information about earlier versions is available from:

You are encouraged to express your views on the proposal:

  - Do you support or oppose the proposal?
  - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
  - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?

Please find the text of the proposal below.

Kind Regards,

Sumon, Bertrand, Ching-Heng
APNIC Policy SIG Chairs


prop-132-v002: AS0 for Bogons


Proposer: Aftab Siddiqui

1. Problem statement
Bogons are defined in RFC3871, A "Bogon" (plural: "bogons") is a packet
with an IP source address in an address block not yet allocated by IANA
or the Regional Internet Registries (ARIN, RIPE NCC, APNIC, AFRINIC and
LACNIC) as well as all addresses reserved for private or special use by
RFCs.  See [RFC3330] and [RFC1918].

As of now, there are 287 IPv4 bogons and 73 IPv6 bogons in the global
table. In the past, several attempts have been made to filter out such
through various methods such as static filters and updating them
but it is hard to keep an up to date filters, TeamCymru and CAIDA
provides full
bogon list in text format to update such filters. TeamCymru also
provides bogon
BGP feed where they send all the bogons via a BGP session which then can be
discarded automatically. Beside all these attempts the issue of Bogon
hasn't be resolved so far.

2. Objective of policy change
The purpose of creating AS0 (zero) ROAs for unallocated address space by
is to resolve the issue of Bogon announcement. When APNIC issues an AS0
ROA for
unallocated address space under APNIC’s administration then it will be
marked as
“Invalid” if someone tries to advertise the same address space.

Currently, in the absence of any ROA, these bogons are marked as
“NotFound”. Since
many operators have implemented ROV and either planning or already
discarding “Invalid”
then all the AS0 ROAs which APNIC will create for unallocated address
space will be
discarded as well.

3. Situation in other regions
No such policy in any region at the moment.

4. Proposed policy solution
APNIC will create AS0(zero) ROAs for all the unallocated address space
(IPv4 and IPv6)
for which APNIC is the current administrator. Any resource holder (APNIC
member) can
create AS0 (zero) ROAs for the resources they have under their

A ROA is a positive attestation that a prefix holder has authorised an
AS to originate a
route for this prefix whereas, a ROA for the same prefixes with AS0
(zero) origin shows
negative intent from the resource holder that they don't want to
advertise the prefix(es)
at this point but they are the rightful custodian.

Only APNIC has the authority to create ROAs for address space not yet
allocated to the members
and only APNIC can issue AS0 (zero) ROAs. Once they ROA is issued and
APNIC wants to allocate
the address space to its member, simply they can revoke the ROA and
delegate the address space
to members. (this proposal doesn't formulate operational process).

5. Advantages / Disadvantages
Those implementing ROV globally and discarding the invalids will be able
to discard bogons from
APNIC region automatically.

No apparent disadvantage

6. Impact on resource holders
No impact to APNIC or respective NIR resource holders not implementing
ROV. Those implementing ROV
and discarding the invalids will not see any bogons in their routing table.

7. References
RFC6483 -
RFC6491 -
RFC7607 -
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David Farmer     <>
Networking & Telecommunication Services
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE        Phone: 612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952
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David Farmer     <>
Networking & Telecommunication Services
Office of Information Technology
University of Minnesota
2218 University Ave SE        Phone: 612-626-0815
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029   Cell: 612-812-9952
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