Dear SIG members,

A new version of the proposal "prop-130: Modification of transfer policies"
has been sent to the Policy SIG for review.

It will be presented during the Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 49 in
Australia on Thursday, 20 February 2020.

We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing list
before the meeting.

The comment period on the mailing list before an APNIC meeting is an
important part of the policy development process. We encourage you to
express your views on the proposal:

  - Do you support or oppose this proposal?
  - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,
    tell the community about your situation.
  - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
  - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
  - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more

Information about this proposal is available at:


Sumon, Bertrand, Ching-Heng
APNIC Policy SIG Chairs


prop-130-v002: Modification of transfer policies


Proposer: Jordi Palet Martinez

1. Problem statement
Existing transfer policies for IPv4, IPv6 and ASN resources have some
among what is allowed and what not, if in the case of intra-RIR and
inter-RIR, and
it is not clear if in case of merger and acquisitions it is referring to
a complete
company, part of it, or even if in case of a company reorganization or
the policy is supportive to that case.

In the case of inter-RIR, the counterpart RIR need to have a reciprocal
policy or
procedure that allows it.

2. Objective of policy change
To ensure that the policy text is clarified, if those cases are
supported by the
community. It will also facilitate companies or business units, moving
or being established
in other regions.

3. Situation in other regions
There is a variety of support of all those cases in different regions.
The one more open is
RIPE, followed by ARIN. Similar policy proposals are being submitted in

4. Proposed policy solution

Actual Text
8.4. Mergers & acquisitions

APNIC will process and record the transfer of IPv4 resources as the
result of merger or acquisition.

11.0. Transfer of IPv6 resources

APNIC will only recognize the transfer or IPv6 addresses as the result
of Merger & Acquisition activity.
The following conditions and consequences apply.

13.3. Mergers & acquisitions

APNIC will recognize the transfer of ASNs as the result of merger or

Proposed Text
8.4. Mergers, acquisitions and relocations

APNIC will process and record the transfer of IPv4 resources as the
result of a partial or complete merger,
acquisition, reorganization or relocation, in both cases, intra-RIR and

In the case of inter-RIR, the counterpart RIR need to have a reciprocal
policy/procedure that allows it.

11.0. Transfer of IPv6 resources

APNIC will only recognize the transfer or IPv6 addresses as the result
of a partial or complete merger,
acquisition, reorganization or relocation activity, in both cases,
intra-RIR and inter-RIR. The following
conditions and consequences apply.

In the case of inter-RIR, the counterpart RIR need to have a reciprocal
policy/procedure that allows it.

13.3. Mergers, acquisitions and relocations

APNIC will recognize the transfer of ASNs as the result of a partial or
complete merger, acquisition,
reorganization or relocation activity, in both cases, intra-RIR and

In the case of inter-RIR, the counterpart RIR need to have a reciprocal
policy/procedure that allows it.

5. Advantages / Disadvantages
Fulfilling the objectives above indicated.

It could be considered that it can create further dis-aggregation,
especially in IPv6, however, those cases
are rare and only happening from time to time, so the impact is
negligible, and justified by the documentation
provided to the secretariat.

6. Impact on resource holders

7. References

Bertrand Cherrier
Micro Logic Systems
Tél : +687 24 99 24
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