Hi Sunny, all,

I've several points in addition to my document comments. I can't use the 
comments platform, which by the way, is absolutely unpractical (not to say 
something really more negative), because a) you need to be on-line, which may 
not be the case, b) you don't create a public discussion on the inputs - which 
is critical for the bottom-up consensus, c) you don't know if the community is 
really following it or not, d) it doesn't follow the PDP itself!. So, I will 
summarize here my more critical inputs.

I've raised those several times, but it seems that it was ignored.

1) The actual PDP doesn't have any binding to the SIG guidelines, so *legally 
speaking* the SIG guidelines aren't applicable. Is like if tomorrow we make 
another document that we call "Policy SIG meeting guidelines" and we try to 
bypass the PDP adopting it as a separate document, not using the PDP, and/or 
there is no PDP modification to bind that document.

2) In your email you indicate that consensus has already been reached. In what 
meeting? If this is not a PDP document (SIG guidelines), is not bound to the 
PDP, etc., how come consensus has been reached? Could you provide a step by 
step consensus process for this document? Again, are we trying to bypass the 
PDP and inventing a different consensus path for *separate documents* ?

3) So clearly, I can only object to this, it is an illegal act against the 
community and every community member to try to bypass our PDP, and if this goes 
on, it will be against ICANN ICP-2 and the rules that established APNIC and we 
will need to appeal that.

4) I fully agree that the PDP needs to be improved, and that's why I've 
submitted policy proposals for that, but *we need to do it in the correct way* 
so only can be done following the PDP.

5) The PDP must be self-inclusive. It looks nice to have a "5 sentences" PDP, 
but it has been demonstrated that it is just an illusion that doesn't work. At 
a minimum, any additional document should be bound to the PDP and follow the 
same process.

6) This is the most important point, which invalidates all the process: 
According to the PDP there is NO authorization for editorial changes. So that 
means that even *editorial changes* need a complete pass thru the PDP. I'm not 
saying this is optimal, and I will prefer that the secretariat can actually do 
editorial review of documents, *however* my wish and your intent aren't part of 
the actual PDP. So, if we want to make editorial changes this way, we need 
*FIRST* to have a policy proposal adopted via the PDP to add that prerogative 
to the secretariat. By the way, how we decide what is editorial and what not? 
This must be clarified to allow that "functionality" (for example, only 
grammar, typos, etc. or also text clarification that doesn't change the 
intended original meaning).

7) Please see also my email on September 9 (2020), which I don't recall has 
been answered (clearly no answer doesn't show ANY consensus): 

Inputs to the document:

1. Introduction
This text is drastically changing the PDP it is not *editorial*. It introduces 
an *artificial link* to the SIG guidelines which, as I already mention above, 
*are not part of the PDP* and can't be, unless that document pass as a policy 
proposal via the PDP itself. Accepting that is like accepting that a government 
change a law (in a democratic country) without nobody know it, and without the 
voting in the parliament, so basically a crime.

The actual PDP only talks about meetings and lists. As I've commented other 
times, we have been using electronic means, which I agree, but changing this in 
the PDP is NOT an editorial comment. It needs to pass via the PDP. In fact, the 
demonstration of why that change is NOT an editorial comment, is that in one of 
my proposals, that change *never reached consensus*, even if the chairs asked 
just for that point (isolated from the rest of the proposal). So how come we 
can now say that it is an editorial comment and bypass the community decision 
*in the PDP* that they don't agree with that change?

Using the expression "anyone with an interest in the management and use of 
Internet number resources ..." is creating a big problem vs the actual wording, 
because the actual wording clearly means that if someone is interested in 
improving the PDP (not and Internet number resource), will not be able to do 
participate, or saying it in another way, again this is not an editorial 
change, because we are using a subterfuge to restrict the PDP to be updated in 
the future, which creates a big trouble!

How come RIR, ICANN and PTI employees can't participate? I've never seen that 
in any RIR. Usually they don't do, or they speak up clearly indicating if they 
are speaking as employees of those organizations or as community members. This 
is completely broken! NOBODY can restrict an employee of a RIR to say "in their 
personal capacity" what they think about any policy proposal! Again, not an 
editorial change.

2. Scope
Again, we are using a subterfuge, really nasty, to add "appendices" to the PDP, 
bypassing the PDP ...

3.1. Policy proposal
One more nasty subterfuge. The actual text allows sending a policy proposal to 
the list and the chairs. The new text only allows to do that to the chars. This 
is clearly *not* and editorial change.

The new text also indicates that the chairs may decide to not accept it. HOW 
COME????? This is a crime. We can't accept this change as an editorial 
change!!!! This is a complete change to the PDP. What happens in an extreme 
case if the chairs don't like something (personal of business reasons)? The 
community don't have a chance!

4. Proposal process
Again *not an editorial change* making the timing at the discretion of the 
chairs ("Proposal Deadline they set"). Once more, I've tried to change that in 
a policy proposal, the community didn't liked, so now we use an "editorial" 
change to make it in a different way?

Step 2 and 4. Consensus/Confirming consensus
I don't read the same "substantial" and "major", and in any case, both are 
completely subjective. We need a real consensus definition, citing the relevant 
RFC7282, as other RIRs do. In any case, this is NOT an editorial change. If we 
want to use "major objections", we need to define it, but bear in mind that 
this is not so easy, *everybody has a different subjective view on that*, 
that's why the best is to use the RFC.

Withdraw and abandon is NOT THE SAME. This is not an editorial change.

5. Appendices/templates
While I agree that the template is good, the rest of the text, is not, and 
definitively is NOT an editorial change. We are making lots of new definitions 
that *aren't* in the actual PDP. It is a crime to consider all that as 
editorial changes. UNNAPCEPTABLE.


El 10/12/20 7:02, "Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi" 
<sig-policy-boun...@lists.apnic.net en nombre de su...@apnic.net> escribió:


    Editorial Review: APNIC Policy Development Process (PDP)

    APNIC seeks final editorial comments on the draft changes to the APNIC
    Policy Development Process.

    This document has been amended to reflect the Policy Development Process
    (PDP) review and recommendations as presented to the community at
    APNIC 50 and the Policy SIG online community consultation.

    The draft document is available at:


    Nature of the document review

    This is an editorial review only. Consensus has already been reached
    on these changes.

    Therefore, during the comment period, interested parties may:

        - Object to the draft document on the grounds that it does not
          properly reflect the consensus decision reached in the Policy
          Review Process
        - Suggest improvements of any aspect of the document
        - Request that an additional call for comment be made to allow more
          consideration of substantial revisions

    Deadline for comments

    Comments are requested by Wednesday, 06 January 2021 at:



    APNIC Secretariat                                 secretar...@apnic.net
    Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)   Tel: +61 7 3858 3100
    PO Box 3646 South Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia    Fax: +61 7 3858 3199
    6 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, QLD            http://www.apnic.net

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