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Subject: [arin-ppml] Revised - Editorial Change ARIN-edit-2020-9: Section 8 Editorial Clean-up
Date:   Wed, 21 Jul 2021 09:18:55 -0400
From:   ARIN <>
To:     ARIN-PPML List <>

The following Editorial Change has been Revised:

* ARIN-edit-2020-9: Section 8 Editorial Clean-up

Revised text is below and can be found at: <>

The process for Editorial Changes is found in Part One, Section 3.1, paragraph 3 of the Policy Development Process (PDP):

"Changes to policy that are purely editorial and non-substantial in nature are outside the scope of the full Policy Development Process and may only be made with 30 days public notice followed by the concurrence of both the ARIN Advisory Council and ARIN Board of Trustees that the changes are non-substantial in nature."

Your feedback on this Editorial Change is encouraged. This review period will close on 20 August 2021.

The PDP can be found at: <>

Draft Policies and Proposals under discussion can be found at: <>


Sean Hopkins

Senior Policy Analyst

American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Editorial Change ARIN-edit-2020-9: Section 8 Editorial Clean-up

Problem Statement:

ARIN staff have identified some areas of potential NRPM editorial clean-up. Building on those recommendations the ARIN AC NRPM Clean-up Working Group undertook an editorial review of the NRPM.

The focus of the review was to clarify and simplify language, employ consistent and more up to date terminology throughout and renumber the sections after removing section numbers that were no longer being utilized. The changes resulting from this review were captured in ARIN-edit-2020-9, proposed in September 2020. 2019-1 also had waitlist restriction language put into 8.4.

The portions of ARIN-edit-2020-9 relating to Sections 8.3 and 8.4 of the NRPM are presented in this editorial change for community consideration. The remaining portions will be presented separately.

Policy statement:

In Section 8.3.:

Under "Conditions on source of the transfer," replace "Number resources received as the result of an 8.2 transfer are out of scope for the purposes of this restriction" with "This restriction does not include 8.2 transfers."

Under "Conditions on source of the transfer," remove "The source entity will not be allowed to apply for IPv4 address space under Section 4.1.8. ARIN Waitlist for a period of 36 months following the transfer of IPv4 address resources to another party."

Under "Conditions on recipient of the transfer," remove "If applicable the recipient will be removed from the ARIN Waitlist and will not be allowed to reapply under section 4.1.8. ARIN Waitlist for a period of 90 days."

In Section 8.4.:

Under "Conditions on source of the transfer," replace "Number resources received as the result of an 8.2 transfer are out of scope for the purposes of this restriction" with "This restriction does not include 8.2 transfers."


Timetable for implementation: Immediate.

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