ear Colleagues,

I am Satoru Tsurumaki from Japan Open Policy Forum Steering Team..

I would like to share key feedback in our community for prop-140,
based on a meeting we organised on 25th Aug to discuss these proposals.

In addition to "end site" and “end-user," "customer" is scattered
the policy document. An opinion was expressed that it is necessary to
the overall consistency.

(comment details)
 - The revisions in the current proposal seems not to be sufficient.
   There seems to be a mixture of "end user" as a general term and
   "end user" as defined in 2.10.
 - Isn't the concept of "customer" who "pays" for the numbered resources
   inappropriate for the policy? Partners who are not customers should
   also be treated as customers.


Satoru Tsurumaki / JPOPF Steering Team

2021年8月13日(金) 8:59 Bertrand Cherrier <b.cherr...@micrologic.nc>:

> Dear SIG members,
> The proposal "prop-140-v001: Update End-Site Definition" has been
> sent to the Policy SIG for review.
> It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting (OPM) at APNIC 52
> on Thursday, 16 September 2021.
> https://conference.apnic.net/52/program/schedule/#/day/4
> We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing
> list before the OPM.
> The comment period on the mailing list before the OPM is an important
> part of the Policy Development Process (PDP). We encourage you to
> express your views on the proposal:
>    - Do you support or oppose this proposal?
>    - Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,
>      tell the community about your situation.
>    - Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
>    - Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
>    - What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?
> Information about this proposal is appended below and also available at:
> http://www.apnic.net/policy/proposals/prop-140
> Regards,
> Bertrand and Ching-Heng
> APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
> -------------------------------------------------------
> prop-140-v001: Update End-Site Definition
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Proposer: Jordi Palet Martínez (jordi.pa...@theipv6company.com)
> 1. Problem statement
> --------------------
> Section 2.9 was introduced with an IPv4 mind-set and doesn’t fully
> accommodate IPv6 deployments and members that may have multiple sites in
> case of assignments.
> Even if this text has evolved in several RIRs, the previous changes were
> imperfect, and thru this evolution in other RIRs, it was obvious that we
> missed some aspects such as “multiple locations” being different than
> “end-sites”.
> Further to that, sometimes it becomes confusing the fact that there is
> not a formal definition of end-user.
> Finally, is slightly updated, just to make sure that
> assignments are considered per end-site, not member.
> Note that those changes are basically editorial clarifications because
> do not imply actual changes on what policies already allow.
> 2. Objective of policy change
> -----------------------------
> Ensuring that both end-site and end-user are defined in a more accurate
> way.
> 3. Situation in other regions
> -----------------------------
> Other RIRs already updated the policies on this regard.
> 4. Proposed policy solution
> ---------------------------
> Actual text:
> 2.9. End site
> An end site is defined as an end-user (subscriber) who has a business
> relationship with a service provider that involves:
> • that service provider assigning address space to the end-user
> • that service provider providing transit service for the end-user to
> other sites
> • that service provider carrying the end-user's traffic
> • that service provider advertising an aggregate prefix route that
> contains the end-user's assignment
> Initial assignment
> …
> The minimum size of the assignment is a /48. The considerations of
> Section "Assignment of multiple /48s to a single end site" must
> be followed if multiple /48s are requested. "APNIC guidelines for IPv6
> allocation and assignment requests".
> Proposed text:
> 2.9. End-site
> An End-Site is defined as the location of an End-User who has a business
> or legal relationship (same or associated entities) with a service
> provider that involves:
> • that service provider assigning address space to the End-User location
> • that service provider providing transit service for the End-User
> location to other sites
> • that service provider carrying the End-User's location traffic
> • that service provider advertising an aggregate prefix route that
> contains the End-User's location assignment
> 2.10. End-User
> Service subscriber or customer from an LIR.
> Initial assignment
> …
> The minimum size of the assignment is a /48 per End-Site. The
> considerations of Section "Assignment of multiple /48s to a
> single end site" must be followed if multiple /48s are requested. "APNIC
> guidelines for IPv6 allocation and assignment requests".
> 5. Advantages / Disadvantages
> -----------------------------
> Advantages:
> Fulfilling the objective above indicated in terms of clarifying
> end-user/end-site and that an end-site is a single location, which can
> obtain, in the case of an IPv6 assignment, a /48.
> Disadvantages:
> None, it is already consistent with the actual practices.
> 6. Impact on resource holders
> -----------------------------
> None.
> 7. References
> -------------
> AFRINIC (different wording, same meaning):
> • https://www.afrinic.net/policy/manual#PI-A
> RIPE (same wording as suggested by this proposal):
> • https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-738
> *              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy
>    *
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Satoru Tsurumaki
*              sig-policy:  APNIC SIG on resource management policy           *
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