As I said before:

  *   Yes, I am a linux noob
  *   Yes, I am on Windows running the Linux subsystem.
  *   No, I am not building on Windows, but Ubuntu16 (subsystem)

What I understand of the build process is, that in order to build the PusleView 
monolith I have to install a gazillion things. Perhaps I was hoping there was a 
debug build (pre-made) somewhere that would allow you to just overwrite the 
module/library you're working on. Or is there a integration/unit test harness 

Anyway, some pointers would be appreciated - what to read, what to install/what 
not to install. I will try 'make install' (without having a clue what to do 
with it...)

I have shared my repo in github I have cloned and updated, so if anyone wants 
to try to build and run the exporter, I would be interested to hear the 
results. But as a development cycle, this sounds horrible.

From: Geert Stappers <>
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 11:22 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [sigrok-devel] Where/how to contribute an exporter

On Mon, Oct 07, 2019 at 06:25:42PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 08:50:26AM +0000, Marc Jacobi wrote:
> > Can anyone please help me test my code?
> :-)    aim for   *our* code
> > Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 7:45 PM
> >
> > Okay, I have made a draft of my code - purely based on the compiler.
> >
> > Now I like to run it. Should I do 'make install' or is there another
> > way of testing out my exporter output logic.
> >
> > Looking at my install of PulseView I don't see any dlls so every
> > library is statically linked...? That would mean I need to pull in
> > all the source code and build the UI..?
> When I saw the "make install",  I did think "yes".
> When I saw "I don't see any DLLs", I did think "Oops, Microsoft Windows".
> Original Poster can do serveral things:
> * Try to understand the build process of sigrok on Microsoft Windows.
> * Share the wavedrom code to allow others build attemps (any platform)
>   on the new wavedrom code.

And I might be wrong on that O.P. is developing on MSFT Windows.

Geert Stappers

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