To all SPDG Personnel attending the Project Directors' Conference:


I am looking forward to seeing you at the OSEP Project Directors'
Conference.  SIG Day, also known as the SPDG Program Meeting, will be
held on the afternoon July 20th.  Dean Fixsen and personnel from States
currently working with the State Implementation and Scaling Up of
Evidence-based Practices TA Center (SISEP) will be joining us to
facilitate discussion around implementing and scaling up initiatives in
your States.


During this session, we will be splitting up into two groups to focus on
specific areas tailored to your State's needs.  In order to determine
the best session for you, please use the link (below) to take a survey
that demonstrates what stages of implementation you are in for the
"drivers of implementation."  The "Stages/Drivers" document provides
descriptions of what each driver looks like in each stage, to provide
you with a better understanding of where your initiative is.  Please
just consider one initiative to answer all of the questions.



If you have any questions about the Project Directors' Conference, SIG
Day, or the survey, please contact Jennifer or Audrey.


Thank you,




Jennifer Doolittle, Ph.D.

Education Program Specialist

Office of Special Education Programs

550 12th St., SW

Washington, DC 20202-2600


202-245-7619 (fax)





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