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Claremont Graduate University and the IRIS Center announce the
Institute on Behavior and Classroom Management

Register Now!  Space is limited.
Registration is first-come, first served basis.
Registration closes April 1, 2010!

What:   A training Institute about the IRIS Center's resources on behavior and 
classroom management and their use in professional-development training sessions
·       Meet the content experts who developed the IRIS behavior and classroom 
management modules
·       Learn from expert professional-development providers
·       Receive training on the take-away Institute Trainers' Kit
·       Participate in a Learning Community after the Institute's conclusion 
for continued conversation with the experts

Where:          Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California
        Claremont is located 35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

When:   Thursday evening, June 17, 2010, to Saturday afternoon, June 19, 2010

Speakers and Facilitators:
        Kathleen Lane, Vanderbilt University
Nationally renowned expert on behavior disorders and classroom management and 
Content Expert for three of the IRIS Center's behavior and classroom management 

        Naomi Tyler, Vanderbilt University
Co-Principal Investigator for the IRIS Center and Module Developer for the 
behavior and classroom management strand of IRIS resources

        Silvia DeRuvo, California Comprehensive Center and WestEd
National expert in delivering professional development to practicing teachers 
and school leaders

Costs:  The $750 fee for the Institute includes:
·       Optional IRIS Web tour prior to event
·       Opening reception on Thursday evening, breakfasts and lunches on Friday 
and Saturday
·       Materials and take-away resources, including the Institute Trainers' Kit
·       Follow-up Webinar establishing a Community of Learners, including 
conversations with the Institute's experts
Continuing Education Units (CEU) are available at an additional cost of 

For more information and to register, please go to www.cgu.edu/IRISinstitute

The IRIS Center
Vanderbilt University
Peabody College, Box 160
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN   37203
615-343-5611 (fax)
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