Dear IRIS Family,

The IRIS Center is pleased to announce the posting of our latest STAR Legacy 
Module, Fidelity of Implementation: Selecting and Implementing Evidence-Based 
Practices and Programs, developed with the invaluable guidance of George Sugai 
(Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports) and Lisa Sanetti (Neag 
School of Education, University of Connecticut).

In today's classrooms, teachers are expected to use evidence-based practices 
and programs. Sometimes, though, selecting and implementing such practices and 
programs can be more difficult than it sounds. Often, when school personnel 
implement new instructional and behavioral practices, they do not always see 
the improved outcomes in their students that they expect. Some school staff 
attribute this lack of success to the practice or program itself, believing it 
to be ineffective or suspecting that its advertised claims are misleading. 
Others wonder whether they could have implemented the practice or program in a 
different way, or whether more effective training would have led to greater 
student success.

Designed for school leaders, professional development providers, and anyone who 
oversees the implementation of evidence-based practices and programs, this 
module first describes how school personnel can identify an evidence-based 
practice or program and highlights the importance of matching it to the 
school's specific needs and resources. Next, the module underscores the 
importance of implementing the practice or program with fidelity, or as it was 
intended. It then discusses a number of actions that school personnel can take 
to increase the likelihood that education professionals will implement the new 
practice or program with high fidelity. To demonstrate how school personnel can 
put these actions into practice, the module provides three fictional school 
examples: Paige Elementary School (progress monitoring), Grafton Middle School 
(reading program), and DuBois High School (PBIS).

In addition, to these school examples, the module contains step-by-step 
demonstration movies, activities that allow opportunities to practice the 
skill, and numerous audio interviews by leading experts:

        · Larry Wexler (OSEP)
        · Mel Riddile (National Association of Secondary School Principals 
        · Cynthia Alexander (NIUSI-LeadScape Principal)
        · Brenda Williams (The College of William and Mary, Department of Education 
Policy, Planning & Leadership)
        · Lynn Fuchs (National Center on Response to Intervention)
        · Joseph Torgesen (Florida Center for Reading Research)
        · Daryl Mellard (National Center on Response to Intervention)

To learn about fidelity of implementation and for an examination of the actions 
that school personnel can take to increase the likelihood that their practices 
and programs will be implemented as designed, please go to

As always, we encourage you to share all of our materials 
( with your colleagues and students. If you 
have any questions concerning IRIS materials, please contact Kim Skow at 
800-831-6134,, or


The IRIS Center

The IRIS Center
Vanderbilt University
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