Greetings Directors and Evaluators:


This is a reminder for two PLC events happening this week:


Implementation Conversations - Mar 8, 3:00-4:00pm ET

Join Link: 

Dial-In: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594

Presenters: Chris Borgmeier, Oregon PBIS Network

Topic: Follow-up discussion on the topic of evidence-based professional
development - building staff competence.

Recurring Meet time: Bi-Monthly, 2nd Tues, 3pm ET

Scheduled dates: Mar 8, May 10, Jul 12, Sep 13, Nov 8


Scaling Up & Comprehensive PD Approaches - March 10, 3:00-4:30pm ET**
(Extended time)

Join Link:

Dial-In: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594

Presenters: Circe Stumbo, Deb Hansen, Westwind Ed

Monthly Recurring Meet time: TBD during the call

Monthly Scheduled dates: TBD during the call


Details for the other March PLC events are found at:


For those who haven't saved the dates March-May SPDG Directors'
Professional Development Webinars you will find the information posted
on the home page with links to the individual events:  This month's webinar focuses on innovation
fluency and is scheduled March 24, 3:00-4:30pm ET.


On the home page we've added a related links section which we will
update regularly. So far we've the posted links are the 325T grants and
the OSEP Project Directors' Conference event page. 



Audrey  Desjarlais

Signetwork Coordinator

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97405

541.346.0373 office

541.954.8870 mobile


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