Greetings Directors, Coordinators, and Evaluators:


The 2011 Federal Notice was published today for the SPDG Program! Scroll
down to view the original message. 


Please SAVE-THE-DATES for two informational guidance webinars we've
scheduled - June 1 and June 8, 3:00-4:30pm. To download the federal
notice and/or view the event details for the info sessions go to the
Signetwork Home Page:


Audrey  Desjarlais

Signetwork Coordinator




Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 9:02 AM

Subject: Federal Register Publication of 2011 OSERS/OSEP--State
Personnel Development Grants Program (CFDA No. 84.323A)



The following notice published in the Federal Register today, Friday,
May 20, 2011:


Notice Inviting Applications for OSERS/OSEP -- State Personnel
Development Grants (SPDG) Program (CFDA No. 84.323A)


Deadline for Transmittal of Applications:  July 5, 2011.


Contact Person for the 84.323A Competition:  Jennifer Coffey.


The notice can be reviewed at the following Federal Register Web site: 


A copy of the notice is also attached.  The application package for the
84.323A competition will be posted this afternoon on the Department's
Web site: and also in







Debra M. Sturdivant

Education Program Specialist

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services US Department of

Voice:  (202) 245-7539

Fax:  (202) 245-7619


550 12th St. SW

Washington DC  20202

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