Ya begitulah pengumuman dari Yahoo yang masuk ke emailku sore ini. Yahoo Photos 
akan tutup dan semua photo yang ada akan di hapus pada tanggal 20 September 
2007. Katanya sih Yahoo pengen konsen ke flickr, makanya mereka nutup Yahoo 

  We will officially close Yahoo! Photos on Thursday, September 20, 2007, at 9 
p.m. PDT. Until then, we are offering you the opportunity to move to another 
photo sharing service (Flickr, KODAK Gallery, Shutterfly, Snapfish, or 
Photobucket), download your original-resolution photos back to your computer, 
or buy an archive CD from our featured partner (for users of the New Yahoo! 
Photos only). All you need to do is tell us what to do with your photos before 
we close, after which any photos remaining on Yahoo! Photos will be deleted and 
no longer accessible.

Buat yang punya photo di Yahoo Photos, sebaiknya segera di backup atau di 
pindahkan ke tempat lain. Yahoo ngasih beberapa opsi untuk memindahkan 
photo-photo kamu, Bisa ke Flickr, PhotoBucket, Snapfish, Kodak Gallery, 

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