Hey guys

Trying to make sense of all this Budget09 noise. @FederalBudget (a deliotte
twitter stream) has had some _interesting_ interpretations of the Budget09

Here are my highlights, what impact do you think this will have?

*ESOP's are in trouble?*
Are employees share plans dead in the water after* budget taxes every
employee at the time they're granted their shares/options*? #ausbudget09
13/05/2009 Are employee share plans dead in the water?

*R&D Tax Concessions become Tax Credits? *
@federalbudget <http://twitter.com/federalbudget> Deloitte tax says this is
the biggest R&D tax reform since 1986 in new media release
http://bit.ly/5CAFQ #ausbuget09
Treasurer to replace R&D tax concession with a tax credit rewarding firms
for innovation #budget
Small tech firms & start-ups to get 45% R&D cash back (if in loss position)
or tax credit (if taxpaying)
A #budget win for innovation with an R&D Tax credit of 40% for Aussie
companies with <$20mil turnover #ausbudget09
13/05/2009 R&D tax changes to provide business with certainty, simplicity
and significant

*CGT for Unit Trusts ammended*
Assets can now be transferred between fixed trusts without triggering a CGT
liability. #ausbudget09 #budget
12/05/2009 CGT roll-over for Unit Trusts


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