When we start talking about visa's etc it opens up a huge bag of
worms.  Are we after just coders ?  or Entrepreneurs (E's for short)?

I think we are after Entrepreneurs( are we or is it just coders?).  So
if we are trying to attract E's then lets look at why would they
come ?  Do we have a situation today where there are lines of
experienced tech E's knocking on the door and we are saying no, or are
we talking about a situation where anyone that has run a fish and chip
shop can call themselves an E?  or are we only after high tech E's ?

This is an important questions.  I have seen situations with some of
my wife's family where under the older self immigration system in Oz
(where you could immigrate as an experienced businessman - I don't
know if it still exists) very experienced people hitting a culture
wall.  simple things, but they are important - say how you network, or
just trying to do your old business the way you used to do it. Those
immigrates that do take this route are made of tough stuff, but ... it
often can take many years to get a return - ie. they have to learn how
to succeed Here.  This is not always the case i know , but it can be
(again, i am talking about people straight off the boat, no previous
experience with Oz culture and lifestyle etc).

If we look at the relationship with USA and say India - how big a role
did years of living and working in a US company or education institute
contribute to many of the success stories ie. the merging of cultures
and ideas.  How much then has the success of india been due to
returning immigrants bringing back a different way PLUS a set of
contacts in the USA (effectively using their indian network and their
usa networks to build a business).  How much of this ability to unit 2
different networks helps say Israel ?  (ie.working with family in NY
say to get started ?)

What are we trying to achieve here - isn't it a patch (to use a tech
term) to our own culture to help kick start an E culture ?

In short - I think a lot of the value comes from the ability to unit 2
or more networks of people and/or cultures to deliver value, looking
at people off the boat isn't going to deliver that value without a few
years of learning.  So instead do we start working with current
immigrants (students or long term work visas) and accessing their
ability to change to an E visa (they have at least in part tackled the
cross culture issues) or maybe it is US that need a reverse Visa - WE
go to india or asia or Israel and learn how they do business , and
merge their ideas with ours (they are after all our neighbours ?) and
bring that back.

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