Hi All,

Quick introduction: my name's Rebecca Paget and I was introduced to the
group by Eduardo Chavez - thanks Eduardo!

I'm not a "techie", but love the passion of the entrepreneurship scene, and
web-based business is an area which appears more accessable to me. My
educational background is in Food Science, and I'm known as a "foodie"
(great industry, but need to learn more through experience before I feel
comfortable to make my own business within it)

I've recently met Jonathan Conway who has the web skills (yay!), and who
posted recently about us needing legal advice about property sub-leasing.
Still looking for that by the way....

A lot of Casey's thoughts resonated with me - and I think we can all agree
that Casey has found her calling! How long does it take before we work out
what we want to do? Are there methods for finding out early?

In my own opinion of primary and secondary education - career choice is not
really emphasised, it's more about feeding facts and learning stuff (like
math) before we know what we're learning it for!! I bet many of us still
don't know!

A friend of mine - Ahmad Abdel Raziq is trying to change things in the
education sector through public speaking, with the aim of getting children
to realise their inate potential (their "gift") before selecting a career
choice. Another, Jonathan Marshall is instigating changes through a
pre-school franchise (seeking VC funding at the moment).

It seems many people have recognised a problem! And have various approaches
to changing things. I guess the thing I am aware of is we can't predict what
effect a "positive result" of these initiatives will have, and also we don't
know what positive results are being achieved by the current system. There's
a lot to think about.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:05 AM, Phil Evans <goo...@remunerate.com.au> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I think you guys are on the money.  The good news is that this is
> already happening, but more (as always) is required.
> First up, there is a mob called Young Achievement Australia (http://
> www.yaa.org.au/) that is all about year 11 students setting up
> companies, making someing, selling something, and liquidating in a 6
> month period.  It's a pretty good programme, we've been involved for
> the last 3 years.
> YAA need some help right now.  They survive on sponsorship from
> commercial entities and the sponsor funds were way down last year and
> YAA may not survive to see 2010 without intervention.  There's info on
> their web site about how you can lend a hand.
> Second, the Universities are already approaching secondary schools.
> Prof. Philip Ogunbona, the Dean of Informatics at University of
> Wollongong, has some sort of roadshow running where he goes around
> talking to (I think) year 10 students in the area.  I don't know if
> what they are saying is high quality, but they are out there.
> So if you guys think this is important, do what you can for YAA
> (mentor, sponsor, and/or write to your local member) and perhaps
> engage with the Universities to see if you can be involved in helping
> them to drum up some business.
> Phil.
> >

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