I'm also interested as I'm comparing technology/innovation policies
from around the world, esp wrt China and SEAsia. For example, I've
found Singapore to be the most financially aggressive in govt startup
funds (4:1 contribution) whereas china tends to be more provincial
based (selected rebates ... their financial aid tends to have a lot of
"strings" attached). If there's anything offlist about experiences or
rants/raves, please email me privately for off-record observations.


On Jan 14, 6:00 am, "Mick Liubinskas (Pollenizer)" <bigm...@gmail.com>
> So we've had a year with Commercialisation Australia. From a person
> who's part of the community, I'm interested to know what everyone
> thinks.
> Have you looked into it?
> Have you tried to make use of it?
> Did it work for you? Why?
> Did you apply?
> How is the process? Meetings, documentation, case managers, etc.
> How does it differ from COMET?
> Do the case managers add value or are they just gate keepers?
> Is the paperwork just 'hoops' or is it real business?
> If you got a grant/loan, how did interaction with the CA people go?
> Would you rather take investment than CA?
> Will some ESVCLP funds change the role of 
> CA?http://www.ausindustry.gov.au/VentureCapital/EarlyStageVentureCapital...
> Curious.

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