Hi all,

I delurked a few years ago as a friend of the startup community.

But I've finally cut the cord and am now working on my startup full time. 
Yay! So I wanted to delurk properly as a founder. What the Americans would 
call a "do over".

My new start-up is called Testivate and the high-level concept is practical 
online benchmarks.

But what does that mean? Well, we:

   - Rank your sites and apps against your competition
   - Benchmark your efforts against best practice
   - Show which fixes would have the greatest impact on your business
Best of all, Testivate is an affordable online product, not an expensive 
consulting service. This means:

   - It'll make benchmarking accessible to the mid-market for the first time
   - You click to buy your report, instead of negotiating with a highly 
   paid salesperson
Confession: I copied those two bullet-point lists from my blog post 
announcing the new business 

If anyone wants to know more, I'd start there, register via LaunchRock 
(http://testivate.com) and/or ping me directly on steven at snoble dot net 
or 0404 041 928.

Opinions, advice, questions or connections would all be welcome, especially 
as I crank up the customer development process and continue my search for a 
cofounder in or nearish to the Illawarra.

Onwards and upwards!


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